Where we're going:

I’m not sure if anyone will still read this blog, and I really wonder why anyone does anyways. But I’ve decided to share my story of why I fell off the blogosphere and other spheres for a time. Therapeutically, writing this helps me, but I can just as easily keep it written and hidden. However, my hope is that my experiences in life help others either in their own lives, or in our attempt to have empathy and love for those around us; and understanding things that we may never experience ourselves can aid in that endeavor.
This was me last fall:I hit rock bottom. My fall sucked.
There really aren’t words for all that I was feeling and going through. Basically I was done. And while I hated feeling that way, pretending that I wasn’t was just making me feel worse. I know from experience that even if you fake happiness and togetherness long enough, it doesn’t make it real. I had everything good in my life, and yet I couldn’t enjoy it or experience happiness. And that’s just not fair. I really feel that we all deserve to feel happiness. And when you can’t, you need to get help to feel it. Of course, try telling that to someone who is depressed. I knew I wasn’t happy, I knew I couldn’t “feel” and I knew that this problem was making me intolerable to live with or be around. My solution, at the time, was to make the problem go away so my family could be happy. And with me being the problem, I resolved to leave. I would hide under the covers of a bed somewhere and sleep and not cause problems anymore. At the time, I was hardly eating (just didn’t enjoy it – not even chocolate) and had lost a good ten pounds, so lack of food under my covers wouldn’t be a problem. Hopefully after some time I would simply cease to exist. My biggest worry with this plan was that there really was an afterlife where I would no longer be able to hide and once again have expectations I didn’t feel I could meet. I know this may all sound crazy, but I’m not joking; this was my reality.
I felt completely overwhelmed. I had so much to do, and yet I would sit in my house not doing anything because I just couldn’t. Doing anything was like moving a mountain. I was exhausted: physically, mentally and spiritually. Drained and done and ready to leave, my husband begged me to go see a doctor before I went. I told him I didn’t have time. He made the appointment; I canceled my afternoon and got a babysitter. And then I bawled my eyes out to my wonderful Doctor who agreed that I shouldn’t feel this way and promised to help me feel better for Christmas. Of course he asked how I was eating and sleeping, if and when I was exercising, how my relationship with my husband was, how often I had alone time… and I looked at him like, “how is a depressed person supposed to do any of that?” I was beyond the healthy habits tricks. So for the time being, I am on medication to help me get to the point that I can work on making myself healthy again; healthy and, hopefully, happy. I have references for therapists… but have a hard time making that step. Not sure how spending $180/hr will help me not stress about money or time. I know what my problems are, just don’t know how to fix them all yet.
The fact that I could cry (and cry a LOT) was a good sign to me. Ten years ago, when I suffered from severe postpartum depression, I was so far gone that I couldn’t feel anything and couldn’t cry if I wanted to. So, I’m looking on the bright side at the fact that I spent weeks doing nothing but cry. Tears can be healing, right?!
Ironically, this blog is about my many coloured days, and yet I didn’t want to share the dark days. Really I couldn’t. But I’m going to try, and hope that they get brighter.
Merry and bright. Because ‘tis the season.
I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not. P...