Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Little J's Christmas Wish List

  • big gun
  • machine gun
  • Bumblebee
  • mini bazooka
  • something for the cat
  • mini big rifle
Notice a theme?

Monday, November 21, 2011

Since I Last Blogged...

~we drove up to Canada to visit some family
~we came home to a huge snowstorm and the GT snow racers we had ordered had arrived
~lots of sledding, or "tobogganing" as we Canadians call it
~one kid throwing up all night long
~projects and assignments due
~Cub Scout rain-gutter regala
~parent teacher conferences
~family's new favourite game is Disney's Apples to Apples - and it is played CONSTANTLY
~more snow storms
~Little E got a haircut (just a trim mind you)
~Christmas shopping
~girls night out to see the new Breaking Dawn movie
~bought a HUGE turkey for Thanksgiving
~gave myself a list of what I need to do before I'm allowed to get on the internet... um, yeah... so I didn't much

Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Mealtime Madness

As a few of us were sitting down to eat breakfast, I was correcting Little E on some of his piano notes he was practicing.

Me: "It's G and F together!"

Little J (always into imitating): "That's right! Make sure you play G and H!"

I couldn't help but laugh.

Little J: "What, Mom? What's so funny?"

Me: "Well, in the musical alphabet, there is no H, it just goes up to G."

Little J: "There's an H in my world... my alphabet goes all the way to J!"


Then at dinner, the kids asked Mr. Man about what's happening in the news. Boxing champion, Joe Frazier's death brought on a whole discussion about boxing. From how much Mr. Man paid in high school to watch a game, to Muhammad Ali and the fight of the century, to what boxers (and sumo wrestlers) wear, and all the way to Mike Tyson biting Evander Holyfield's ear. As if this whole conversation wasn't interesting enough... we then had a little sex chat, brought on by me asking Mr. Man if Tyson went to jail for the ear biting. "Nope, it was because he raped someone" Mr. Man replied, without thinking through his answer. So then the question, "what's rape?" Mr. Man did an excellent job of answering what it was. Our two older kids, who have had "the talk" and much more, were satisfied. But little E, was confused: "What's sex?" he wondered. The moaning from the older two was hilarious as they told him to enjoy being seven and not even think about it, and then we explained that it was something very special that we would tell him about when he turns eight. Mr. T then turned to Little J and said, very seriously: "You are SO lucky! You still have four more years before you have to learn about sex!"

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Spirituality and Religion - more random and jumbled thoughts

The older I get the less judgmental I am, the more open to others I become, and the word "tolerance" takes on a whole new meaning. It bothers me that, in this world, tolerance is an achievement and something we teach and seek for. To me, tolerance, is a pitiful excuse. Acceptance, understanding, empathy, and love would be much better traits to build, reinforce and achieve. I believe in God. And I have felt His love. I have felt His love for me, and I believe that I have felt His love for others as well. Sharing that love, whether or not its Source is known, is monumental for me in my beliefs.

I have read books by authors that resonate with me deeply and spiritually. Eckhart Tolle and Max Lucado are two that have, through their words and insights, brought me closer to God and helped me to feel that love. But right now, I do not believe in a God that only provides a path for some of his children. I believe there are many ways to feel God's love, many ways to worship, love and demonstrate devotion. I believe there are many ways back to God, if you will. And because I am the sort of person who does things all the way, or not at all (100% or nothing), I am having a very hard time accepting a religion that defines itself as the only, one true way and demands its followers to undeniably believe in that one, and only way.

I have found so much peace in my current spiritual journey. And it encompasses so much more than I would ever know how to put into words on the internet. I appreciate all the love and concern that so many of you feel, but I don't feel like I need to be added to your prayers and best wishes. I am happy. Happier than I have been in a very long time. I have peace, light, and the spirituality I need and desire.

My biggest concern, and purpose for bringing this up, is to find a way and a spiritual path for my family that will combine my beliefs with my husband's and a way to teach our children not only what we both believe, but allow them the openness to question and discover for themselves.

I have recently listened to an interesting podcast series: "Raising Children in a Non-Traditional LDS Home" and was inspired by some of the ideas, and extremely put off by others. I am looking for a way, either religious or spiritual, to bring our family together on this journey. Well wishes and advice in that endeavor would be greatly appreciated. And I am happy to have any of you, my dear friends, call or email so we can share ideas and inspiration. Thanks to those who have already done so.

Sunday, November 06, 2011

Spirituality and Religion

It's Sunday.

My family is at church.

I'm at home, filling myself spiritually in ways that work for me, and preparing for the week ahead. A week of purposeful parenting above all else, and a desire to feel God's love in my life, and in our home.

I haven't broached the subject of my spiritual journey on this blog, because I truly believe that spirituality is a very personal subject for many. And yet, I love to hear others' stories of how they find peace, happiness, and unity in their family's search for spirituality, whether combined or separated from religion.

Right now, for me personally, my lifelong religion does not bring me the peace and spirituality I desire. Changing my expectations, changing my outlook and beliefs has led me to numerous thoughts and options for myself and my family. And so far, I am still looking, wondering, praying and pondering.

How do you find peace within either spirituality or religion?

Friday, November 04, 2011

odds & ends

Miss J keeps bringing home all sorts of writing on her hands to tell little funny kid stories. After demonstrating her latest, she asked me, "Mom, when you were a little kid, did you used to put markers all over your hands too?"

I replied that I don't think I did. (My mother may correct me!)

And she nodded, prepared for my answer and replied, "I guess that's because markers weren't around when you were a little girl."

I was flabbergasted... how old does she think I am?! She covered up pretty well by saying that she really thought markers were a new invention. Still...

Little J is still extremely sick. He is on a strong antibiotic to try to shrink an abscess on his tonsil... but we may be looking at a little surgery. Time will tell. For now he looks half dead, and sleeps and watches movies a lot and rings a bell whenever he needs me (since he can hardly walk). He's been sick since last Friday. It's been a long week. However, I wanted to share my favourite picture he drew of a jack-o-lantern. It makes me smile so much, I am sending it to Oma in a package, but had to scan it in first, so that I can keep a copy!

Have a happy weekend!

Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Shopping for Cheapskates

Who doesn't love a good deal, right?! Mr. Man, though, hates it when I announce that I saved $50 but still spent $50. He'd much rather I show him everything I bought and then announce that I spent $3. So it takes shopping to a whole other level.

And we've been getting good at it.

JC Penney coupons for $10 off a $10 purchase - we've gotten it down to spending less than $2 of our money when using those for things already on our "to buy" list.

My latest shopping for free was buying the kids' school pictures. Yes, I know that may sound foreign, because usually I DON'T ever buy the kids school pictures, and even they have gotten used to that. But this year, there was a deal that if you bought any package of school pictures, you would get a $20 coupon to spend at Shutterfly. Grandparents adore books and photo items made from Shutterfly, and so I already knew I would use these coupons for Christmas gifts. So I bought the cheapest package I could ($12) and got my $20 coupons! I feel like someone just gave me $8 to spend (times three). It's a good feeling. And really, these kids do look pretty cute (though stuffy) in their school photos n'est ce pas?

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...