My friend posted her day not too long ago and I loved it. Because I could totally relate. Plus I want to remember these days some day. And today was a NOT normal day with kind of a lot of drama so I'm glad I had started this the other day. The routine and the normalcy of it calms me.
6:17am(or so) Mr. Man's alarm goes off... he's good and gets up and rides his bike in the cold dark to work, apparently there is an extra kid in our bed that I hadn't noticed before... he snuggles with me and tells me about his bad dream that had resulted in ending up in my bed
6:30am - my alarm goes off; I press snooze
-a second child joins my bed announcing, in fact, "I'm joining you!"
-sleep is suddenly not a viable option
6:38am- I hop up and turn off the alarm before it goes again
-wake up other two children
-encourage piano practicing and breakfast making
-blow dry and get dressed (don't worry, I was in my robe when I woke the kids up)
7:15am -devotional and family prayer
-breakfast (thankfully one of the kids got hungry and made oatmeal while I got ready)
-piano practicing continues and I am summoned continuously for "help"
-get toddler dressed and ready... this is basically a battle every day
8:00am - call children down to get their backpacks packed and warm clothes and gear on to ride their bikes to school
8:10am - big kids out the door to school
-the toddler gets my undivided attention (which he has been waiting for all morning) and I give him his breakfast, and we fit in a game (Three Blind Mice) before heading off ourselves
8:40am - park at university, walk at the slowest on-campus pace ever with the toddler all the way to and up the kajillion stairs to Mr. Man's office
8:50am - leave the toddler to do who knows what (he packed his own backpack of trouble) with Mr. Man while I head off to math class
9:00am - 10:00am math class.
10:00am - pick up the toddler and walk all the way back to the car
-discuss our day with him on the way home (he hates surprises)
10:10am - the toddler plays while I clean up the kitchen, and tidy up in general
-call a friend, who is sick, and plan to take her kids to playgroup for her
-gather applesauce and other goodies for her too
-consider cleaning the kitchen and decide its too big a task for what little time I have left
10:45am- get toddler screaming into car... he doesn't want to leave even though we are headed to HIS playgroup
-pick up my friend's two little guys
-head to playgroup
11:00am-12:00pm - playgroup: enjoy chatting with other moms, manhandling children, and eating a humongous rice krispie treat
-drop of extra kids
-come home and eat lunch with my little buddy
-then we did a bat attack where we put bats up all over the house to surprise the big kids
-read some books together
-the Toddler starts begging for a movie, and really I need to do some homework, so I oblige
-Toy Story/homework time (and I think I called my sister too, oh and probably checked email, blogs, etc.)
2:00ish - go run a quick errand together, the Toddler falls asleep in the stroller there (my errand then became much more enjoyable and relaxing as I perused the entire store!) then transfers to the car then to the couch and slept like a log - LOVE these kinds of naps
3:00ish - work on sharing time for primary
3:40ish - kids arrive on bikes from school and have LOTS to tell me while I feed them cut up apples and hot chocolate (since it was the first snow day)
4:00ish - tell them to run and play since piano lessons start at 4:30
-I don't remember what I did during that time... probably started on dinner or something, I do know I considered cleaning the kitchen and then didn't
4:30 - piano lessons for three eldest, while breaking up fights and all the rest, the Toddler woke up around this time (of course)
5:30 - Mr. Man gets home, the kids do dinner jobs and I work on getting dinner on the table
6:00pm - dinner and ensuing clean-up and lunch making for tomorrow
-kids do homework while I make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies for FHE treat, the Toddler is trying to catch a fairy (dandelion seed) he let in the house and wants to capture and keep
-we actually don't have any practices or extra extras going on - breathe sigh of relief
6:30 - FHE: this one was sort of a disaster, but our activity was a HUGE hit - hide and go seek in the dark (with flashlights)
7:30 - showers for those who need them, bedtime routine and lots of reading
8:00- family prayer and lights out
-homework and studying for me, Mr. Man works then we relax and watch something mind-numbing before going to sleep way to early for grown ups... kitchen still never got cleaned (my Monday job!)
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love the bat attack - I'm doing that today!:)
i'm glad i'm not the only one that doesn't get the kitchen cleaned sometime!! ;) what a busily beautiful day!! i especially like how Mr. Man gets kid duty while you go to class!! lol!
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