Tuesday, October 30, 2007


*Big J’s last soccer game: the jamboree! She played her best friend and it was fun to see high fives between the opponents.

*Little E’s “Joy School” put on a parade and sang some songs for the parents! That kid is full of spunk and his whole body danced as he sang, “Oh boy, I’ve got joy!” I love it!

*Mr. T finally crossed the line with his scissor and cutting obsession – he cut his hair – a first in our house. Little E’s eyes grew wide at the prospect of cutting your own hair so we’ll see if this is the beginning or the end of such haircutting woes. Mr. T enjoys announcing: "I'm bald now!" Hmmm...

*Baby J has been a bit fussy lately, he has a cold and it’s always hard getting back on schedule after a trip! He’s grabbing at everything now – especially my hair (hello ponytail world!) and he actually enjoyed tummy time today. My baby is growing up… I’m enjoying his toothless grins while I can.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Starting Out on a Journey

I travelled back in time last week. Back to the small town in Alberta where I went to school my freshman year, and back to the time when Mr. Man and I didn't call each other "Mommy" and "Daddy." It was an enjoyable trip, but I'm glad to be home too!
I have to admit to being a bit stressed about flying with my baby. I’ve never flown with a baby before and I expected the worst – apparently there are pros to being a pessimist; I’m easily impressed. I think I enjoyed flying with a baby more than I enjoy flying solo! I had so much help, people were overly friendly and initiated all the awkward travelling conversations (which I usually hate) and were based pretty much on the baby (sigh of relief), and I basically got whatever I asked for. He was a great traveler, and despite a few little mishaps that really aren’t worth mentioning, we had an enjoyable journey. Long, but fine.

I’m committed to keeping this blog mostly about myself and MY family and try to make as little mention as possible of my extended family – it seems like you ALL read this, and if I mention you some of you get offended, if I don’t others do… yada yada, I don’t need any more family drama than there already is, so I just pretend you don’t exist – in my blogging world that is! Anyways, my point is that I’m going to keep it brief, but must mention how much I thoroughly enjoyed seeing all my family. I have a great family, I really do. The trip was really much too short and I had so much fun with my sisters, my brothers, my cousins, Uncle and Aunt, nieces and in-laws! On a better commitment topic, I’m re-committed to planning our family reunion! We do love to have a good time! I did miss seeing Oma – as she was in the hospital having her appendix removed and I had a rather sick baby for the day I was there.

My sister's baby girl!

Everyone needs an "Uncle Max"! My other kids were disappointed not to have seen him and heard his Donald Duck voice! He was the one who could get my sick baby to calm down just a bit!

The wedding was beautiful. My brother and his bride were gorgeous and so in love.
I ached to have my sweetheart by my side as I watched their union take place. I was brought back to when Mr. Man and I sealed our love together and were married for time and all eternity almost eight years ago. How time flies. All the memories of those first few years swarmed my mind as I watched my brother entering that completely new realm of marriage. While those times are sweet times to look back on, I’m also grateful to be where I am in this journey of love. Eight years has its benefits!
My brother has married into a large, energetic, and may I say “crazy” family! I’m sure he’s going to have a lot of fun. I’m curious how our family appears to hers. Oh well. My new sister-in-law is a sweetheart, and I’m anxious to get to know her better. I’m very happy for their happiness.

Coming home has been busy, but my husband made it so worthwhile – he completely cleaned my whole house and our vehicles (he even cleaned the bathrooms!!!) I guess that’s what eight years and four kids will do for you… I’ll take a clean house and a backrub over a diamond ring any day!

Here's to my brother and his bride starting out on their journey!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Our Chicago Adventure

I haven’t the time to do our adventure justice. But I’m hoping a few short words and many pictures will capture our weekend… as I have a billion loads of laundry to do and still have to get myself and the baby ready for our trip this week to my brother’s wedding (not to mention leaving everyone else ready for STAYING)!

We left early Friday morning to drive to Chicago to get the baby’s passport. He wasn’t born in time to do it the “normal way” and so we had to do it the rush way (let me just tell you how impossible it is to get a two month old to pose “properly” for a passport photo – ugh!). I did something a bit spontaneous and decided to book a hotel and make a weekend of fun out of our obligation.

Here are some things I learned from our adventure in Chicago:
-There really are a dozens of people crossing each street downtown. (I always supposed that the movies had it all wrong and could never understand why they used all those extras when just one person could cross the street. I know, I’m sheltered. But it was amusing for me to be one of MANY crossing those busy crosswalks!)
-A suite is perfect for our size family. And a hotel with a pool makes any vacation complete and relaxing for everyone.
-A front carrier for an infant is a MUST in a big city.
-Wearing a front carrier with a 14 lb infant for two days straight may cause back pain.
-It costs $20 to park for 2 hours.
-A monkey backpack/leash can save a three year olds life. And add years to a three year olds parents' lives!
-Going to bed with the kids at 8:30 pm is a blessing after a LONG day of walking all over!
-Chicago pizza really IS the best – according to the kids!
-Our Wonderlab pass has been such a wonderful investment – we got into every museum we went to for free!
-Families of 6 DON’T take the trains and buses in Chicago – even for a “cultural” experience.
-When they’re spending a weekend doing construction on the metro line, a 40 minute car ride will turn into a 3 hour train and bus ride –with at least 3 transfers.
-The kids will still enjoy ALMOST every minute of it.
-And then you still have to return back to your car the same way you came! (This makes parking not seem so expensive!)
-Show up early to the museum if you want to get passes to the Star Wars exhibit.
-My husband is the best person to take with you on a trip.
-He sweet talked a lady into getting us passes onto the Millenium Falcon.
-We should have taken the advice of the man at the entrance of the Museum of Science and Industry – “I used to hate bringing my kids here when they were little. Good luck. At least they’ll sleep well tonight.”
-Mr. Man will LOVE the submarine exhibit and it will be worth it just to see his face light up!
-Be careful at the grocery store in Chicago… someone will inevitably be stealing alcohol and a million security guards will appear out of nowhere and begin the chase.
-Getting home at 1am means a very tired crew the next day, but it also means a weekend of fun and family togetherness was definitely worth it! (Oh, and we got the baby’s passport JUST in time too!)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Quote of the Week

Mr. T: "The baby's crying! Someone get him his passport!"
Background: We are going to Chicago tommorow to get the baby a passport so we can fly to my brother's wedding in Canada next week. Also, we typically call his "pacifier" a "soother" (that's Canadian apparently) and the boys have been confused by the term "pacifier" that their friends have been using to describe the "soother". Obviously Mr. T is more than just a little confused!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Flying Solo

Mr. Man pulled out his back this weekend and is in a lot of pain. I spent this Sunday eternally grateful for all of his help in every aspect of our day! From bathing, to making a delicious Sunday dinner, to SOOOO much help at church – setting up, taking the baby during primary and of course helping juggle these kids during Sacrament meeting. Somehow I survived, but I felt like we caused more of a circus than usual. (Mr. T is on his steroids again right now, so he’s once again flying higher than a kite, and driving me absolutely crazy… needless to say, we’re not exactly on speaking terms right now. I jest, but seriously, DRIVING ME C.R.A.Z.Y.)

Here are some highlights of our day. We had Family Home Evening on Fire Safety, since October is Fire Safety Awareness Month – and since Big J had a firefighter visit and Mr. T went to the fire station with their classes. The kids love helping to “teach” and so they both shared their knowledge and we actually had a great learning time role playing and planning (for our first time) our fire escape plan! For treats we made and decorated cookies… mmmmmmmm! (As if any of my kids, especially Mr. T, needed sugar!)

(I love how creative they get with decorating!)
(Little E enjoyed decoating his lips, so he could "just lick 'em off, Mama!" - Don't you LOVE his eyes?!)
(Yes, still in PJ's - this was not a "Church clothes" worthy activity!"
(Look what my "crazy" boy made for me! So SWEET! Also note the haircut he gave himself on his "cycle" that we have yet to fix!)

I do have to mention that right before the blessings for the bread and water in Sacrament meeting at church today, Big J turned to me and said, “It’s half-time”! Cracked me up at an inopportune moment! WAY too much soccer yesterday, but also solidifies in my mind that she is all about the snacks!

So tonight I put Mr. Man in charge of stories and thus ensued a hilarious account of “Beauty and the Beast” – Little E’s choice, I might add! Mr. Man swapped the kids names for each of the characters, and soon we had the most handsome man in town, Mr. T, vying for the love of Belle, Big J, who was actually falling in love with the hideous beast, Little E because she decided to spare her father, Mr. Man from Little E’s captivity. I got to be Mrs. Potts with Baby J being Chip. I can’t even begin to say how fun it was to listen this storytelling and see how captivated and amused my adorable kids were! These are the moments I hope they remember.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

"It's not about winning"

I can't count how many times I heard parents uttering that statement at Big J's soccer tournament today. Apparently "winning" must be on somebody's mind! Big J's team didn't win -thus no cookies or medals in the end, and were pretty much torn to pieces (especially as an all girls team playing an all boys team), but they had fun. Big J played great defense and I especially enjoyed her little dances as she cheered on every minute success her teamates had! (It was usually at these moments the ball flew right past her, but hey, it's not about winning!)

(They call her "speed")
(Baby J bundled up in the cold)
(I really think soccer is more about half-time and the snacks for this girl!)
(This is the neatest invention - the ball bounces back to him each time, from one foot to the next! I think I may get one to attach to HIM!)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Joy is Full

It's my turn to teach/host Joy School. These little guys are so much fun, and I find myself truly belly-ache laughing with them on a regular basis! Today we were talking about the joy of animals. We were learning about their homes, habits and then, the inevitable - what animals give us. The lessons plan suggested having a tray of items and seeing if the kids could match each item to the correct animal (for example, leather, eggs, ham). I sort of dread this lesson, because though I'm not a vegetarian, I'm sort of a vege-mom; I don't want to be the one informing my kids of the killing that took place for their turkey sandwich or neat leather shoes. Bothers me. So I began this activity with a little trepidation, and the boys cracked me up! They guessed most of the items correctly - even a leather belt as cow hide, and then we got to "chicken" and their minds and faces were blank. They had no clue! I had to laugh. The next one they missed was honey, but the guess was too cute - "a honey bird?"

On another joyful topic - Mr. Man found me a radio station that is already playing Christmas music! I am in heaven amidst all the carpooling I have indebted myself to! I am loving some favorite classics and enjoying some new ones. So my question to you, as I begin my search for some new Christmas music to own - what are your favorites, and why would I like them?

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Daughter

I never imagined that I would be so surrounded by boys! While I adore the excitement and adventure these boys bring into my life, I am also eternally grateful that I have my daughter. She is, however, quite a character herself.

Some of you may have received one of her sales calls as of late. Her school had brainwashed her into thinking that it was vital that she participate in the school fundraiser - she honestly believed the school was completely out of money, and even offered to bring some of her old clothes and toys in for them to sell to make money! Anyways, I have issues with kids selling things, but with the desperation in her eyes, I told her a few people (particularly Grandmas!) she could call and try to sucker into buying these fabulous products they sell these days (note tone of last sentence as sarcastic). I cannot believe her ability at sales. There was never a , "do you want to buy" or "would you like to..." The whole time Big J shared her excitement over the items and would intermittently ask, "Which one are you going to get?" There was never any choice in the matter, and everyone bought at least two items - one for themselves, and one for the overly enthusiastic salesgirl! I have to admit, I was very impressed with her - she definately does not get that confidence from me!

I love how imaginative this girl is too! She is a creative queen and very driven. She is often creating and handing out invitations to all sorts of events that she has co-ordinated. From performing plays, planning parties and most recently - putting on a scavenger hunt! My daughter is always busy filling her life with more social events than I have time to encourage her in! And she is such a light in the the lives of all who know her. Last Friday was her "scavenger hunt" which she had been "planning" all week. We will actually be having "part two" at another date with some friends who couldn't make it! The kids had a great time, and there were ten kids between the three moms who came!
(Note the rock that Mr. T attempted to use as a skipping stone in the picture!)

Basically I've been very proud of who my daughter is, and am excited to see who she becomes as she continues to grow up and bless the lives of those around her - especially mine!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Big Happy Boy!

We went in this morning for an 8 week checkup. I knew my baby was big... I had no idea how big! He is 24 1/4" long (that's 90%) and 14lbs 4 oz (90-95%). Somehow I forgot about the shots part of a checkup. Poor Big J was traumatized, and Little E wasn't too thrilled either. Let's just say we all left the doctor's office with tears in our eyes. Still, I took these pics of my cute happy boy just hours after the horrid affair, and I think we're all going to survive just fine. I love these big cheeks, beautiful blue eyes and adorable smiles - not to mention his cute little "o" face! We are so thrilled to have this wonderful baby in our family.

Monday, October 01, 2007

Autumn who?

Reading a book with Mr. T...

Mom: "... Autumn is coming -"
Mr. T: "Autumn, who's Autumn?"
Mom: "Autumn is another word for 'fall'."
Mr. T: "Fall? Oh. Who's Autumn?"
Mom: "Autumn is the season, not a person. The season where all the leaves change colour and fall off the trees... the season we're in right now."
Mr. T: "Oh. Keep reading. I think I like Autumn."
Mom: "... and that's how we know that Autumn is here -"
Mr. T: "Where is he?"
Mom: "Who?"
Mr. T: "Where's Autumn? Are they going to show a picture of HIM?"

Oh for heaven's sake.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...