Friday, September 17, 2010

What my kids have said lately... I don't forget.

The Toddler
I asked him what he wants for Christmas (because really I have no ideas for him) and he replied immediately: "A tree star." You have to have watched "The Land Before Time" to get how priceless this request is.

Little E
My little organizer came home from school the other day and told me, blushing, that his teacher told him he's only allowed to clean and organize his desk when it's center time or when she's not teaching. He'd gone a little nuts with the OCD apparently. Um, yeah. I love it!

Mr. T

The kids' secret mission the other day was to learn a new word. Mr. T said: "I learned that math has a ematics on the end. Isn't that the strangest thing?" Mathematics!!! This kid is a crack-up!

Miss J
I went to curriculum night at the three older kids' school yesterday and loved rummaging through all their current work and desks. Miss J had left me little notes all over the place. But my favourite part was reading in her writing book where she apparently had to write a letter to her teacher telling about herself; her strengths and weaknesses, likes, dislikes, hobbies, etc. She wrote (and I'm paraphrasing): "This is sort of personal, but one of my favorite hobbies is to stand in front of my full-length mirror and practice singing and dancing." I died. Because I see her doing that all too much, and because she is so sincere that she wrote it to inform her teacher.


Carla said...

tree star, i love it! I made chloe a tree star years ago. she LOVED it!!! We may even still have it!

MOM said...

Oh my, what great photos of each of the children!!! Each face truely shows their unique and wonderful personalities. They are really growing up! So good you made the time in your busy day to record their sayings. Much appreciated by the long-distance Grandparents.:)

Balancing & Blogging

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