Thursday, April 02, 2009

Secret Missions and Secret Habits

I overheard another Mom at school drop off reminding her child to remember to make somebody else happy that day. It sounded so simple, but such a sweet reminder. Now, I don't know if she tells her child this every day (though I admit I'm curious), but I decided then and there to start doing random "secret missions" with my school age children. The first day I whispered with the strictest confidentiality that Miss J's secret mission was to be an extra good friend to somebody who seemed sad. The first thing she did when I saw her over six hours later was report on her mission. The next day she leaned in to me in the hall outside her classroom, eager for her mission. There was a new boy in her class (from the day before) and he was not excited to be starting a new school and class at the end of March. She had told me of tears in his eyes. Her secret mission seemed obvious. She was to try to make him smile three times. It was also April Fools Day and my sweet girl had brought some tricks (including a whoopee cushion to use on her teacher) with her. She tried and tried to make him smile, and soon had her teacher and several friend in on the "mission" with her. They only succeeded with one smile - but I still call the mission a success. It seems that "secret missions" are on fire now at our house - I love this new tradition that I credit to eavesdropping on another mother.

Mr. T asked me today if I remember his monthly fevers. I said I did. Then he told me that he doesn't think they work any more. So sweet. He has been fever free for months now, just getting a bit achy and nappy for a few days during his designated cyclical fever. He then asked me if I knew why the fevers weren't working anymore. I told him it was a miracle and that it also probably helped that he was getting older and that he wasn't in a regular school with lots of germs any more (I have to give myself some credit for homeschooling him every once in a while). He nodded his approval of my reasons and then gave one more: "I think my fevers don't work anymore because sometimes when you're not looking, I sneak. I sneak healthy food to eat so that my body will be more and more healthy." I'm not surprised. He is my green smoothie lover after all!

Who says secrets are all bad?


Debbi said...

Oh wow, this is adorable! Love the 'Secret missions' that I may have to soon steal too!!!

Jeanette said...

I love how obedient children are! What a fun idea, the secret mission. Your kids are so cute. How fun, I think I totally remember you guys in Hawaii. What a small world. I've looked at your blog before, thinking, hmmm, how do I know her. She looks so familiar? Thanks for remembering. I loved Hawaii. Such a neat experience! That's so funny that you are related through marriage to Kylie. We totally miss her around here. Your blog always amazes me. You're so creative and very good with expressing yourself and thoughts. I'm so impressed! And good for you for homeschooling your little boy to help him not get sick. Those crazy fevers were so sad and wierd. I'm glad he doesn't get them anymore. :)

Anne Marie said...

Very sweet idea...the secret missions. So glad that Mr. T's fevers have pretty much gone. That is a miracle.

libbie said...

i love when people post things that i can copy! so thanks for over hearing another mother and sharing with us! i will start secret missions also! good for you boy that he is doing so much better!

Unknown said...

What a joy to read your blog in Montreal on the hotel lobby computer.

So glad you shared your delightful experiences with your children.


Mamabug said...

I like the idea of making the mission secret and important. I encouraged Nora to be kind to other kids & look for someone who needed a friend. It worked for a while but I think the "secret mission" aspect could really get her excited about it. Thanks for the idea.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...