Monday, October 04, 2010

Heels = Hair

My kids don't eat the heel (or end) of a loaf of bread. Drives Mr. Man crazy. Last night while making lunches Mr. E asked me if I knew what happened when you eat the heel. I told him I didn't, but was quite interested in finding out. He practically blurted out: "Eating the heel makes you grow hair in your arm pits." I asked him if he wanted to grow arm pit hair (since nobody eats the heels, and I wondered who had started this scary story). "Heck yes," he replied. "I want to be a man. And mans have hair in their arm pits." I giggled at his enthusiasm, then asked who he had heard this fact from. Apparently it was his big brother, who thinks hair in your arm pits is as disgusting as the heels of the bread. Little E dug deeper for the other heel and made a great sandwich. I caught him checking his arm pits soon after. Maybe this "fact" is why my daughter absolutely refuses to eat the heel. Who knows.

Here's my little boy who wants to be a man. Note that he is wearing his little brother's superman shirt which he outgrew years ago, but still adores. I love it.


The Wilsons said...

That is hilarious! Funny the things they come up with!

MOM said...

Your Opa always took the ends and carefully cut them up into tiny pieces on a cutting board and put them outside for the birds in the winter. With your long winters in Montana, this tradition could use up the ends that are not eaten by your boy who wants to be a man!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...