Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Suckers for Graduation

J: "Mom, when are we going to go visit our cousins again?"

Mom: "Probably next summer when Daddy has another break from school."

J: "What about Christmas break?"

M: "Daddy has a really big test to write during Christmas break, so we won't be going anywhere."

T: "Why does Daddy have to do testes?"

M: "Because he goes to school."

T: "When will Daddy be done school?"

J: "He won't be done until he graduates."

T: "What happens when he graduates?"

M: "He gets a job."

J: "And then we get to move to a new house - a BIG house!"

T: "Does he get a sucker?"

M: "Pardon?"

T: "Does Daddy get a sucker when he graduates? Can we give him a treat when he gets done?"

M: laughing "Sure, we can give Daddy a sucker when he graduates!"

J: "We should give him a party too - he's been going to school even longer than I have!"

T: "I bet Daddy can't wait to graduate - you know why - cause then he gets a sucker!"


Jenny said...

When he graduates, I'm going to send YOU a sucker Renee. It's no easy task to be a busy mom while your hubbie finishes a PhD. You deserve a sucker too!

Michelle said...

do i get a sucker, too, then? ha ha...i love how you captured every detail of that conversation. your kiddos definitely love & admire their daddy!

Lori said...

That's cute. Thanks for sharing.

Anne Marie said...

So sweet. Way to go, Renee! You PhD wives are amazing. I only had to endure the 2-year master's, so I can't imagine how much work it's taken you guys.

Anonymous said...

Forget that 68' Mustang for graduating, I'm getting a sucker. I think this is the push I needed to get me through. I love having a family, they give so much.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...