Tuesday, November 14, 2006


I regret committing to writing every day this month. This is hard work you guys – I need a little encouragement here; perhaps a comment or two?!

Anyways, Mr. Man and I have been talking about making getting a video camera a priority. We really wish we’d kept the used 1980’s one we had out in Hawaii when Big J was a baby. It’s so fun to have that footage and we wish we had more of it and of more of our kids. Some friends of ours told of a tradition on of their parents have: they give their children and spouses video cameras as a wedding gift. Talk about the gift that keeps on giving – you know those parents (now grandparents) are bound to see their grandbabies growing up on video!

So for the record, what do you all know about the new and improved video cameras – what should we be looking for? What kind do you own? I have done zero research and am totally throwing this out there – so help me with my regrets. I need advice and comments!!!


Anonymous said...

First of all I've LOVED having you blog every day because whenever I log on I know at least someone has updated their blog!! And I'll start commenting more, but I was holding off because I think you get more than your fair share of my 'real life comments'!!

You know we love having a video camera, but I haven't researched it for a long time. The only thing that bugs me about ours is that it's pretty grainy in indoor lighting.

Kristy said...


You totally need a camcorder. I just researched them all and came up with Panasonic as the best brand. I only buy products at Costco these days, so I bought their $300 range one. E-mail me if you'd like more details.

We burn our digital videotapes to DVD and the kids love to watch them.

Anonymous said...

No advice in the recorder department...ours is a dinosaur. But I do enjoy your blog so please keep it up.

Jenny said...

If you can blog every day for a month, you can do anything! I've really enjoyed reading everyday.

We love our home movies. I don't know if anyone else does, but they are our little treasures. I would just go for a digital these days. I don't know what to do with all my little tapes (I need to pay to have them converted to DVDs).

Jen said...

First, here is love and support for blogging daily! You can do it! Yee haw!

We have a cheap canon (or Nikon?) video camera/camera. It has sound with the video and takes short little movies, which suits us well. cheap=$150 versus anything more.

Balancing & Blogging

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