Sunday, November 19, 2006

Magic Medicine

When Big J was a little girl, but just as over-dramatic as she is now, she needed more than what I felt was enough sympathy for her "owies". It was always this long drawn out process, until I watched another mother (sorry if you're reading this and it was you - but I really can't recall who I stole this idea from) quickly heal her child's owie with some magic medicine. She muttered some magic words and threw the invisible (but obviously sparkly) medicine on her child's present area of soreness and POOF the pain disappeared. I immediately started doing the same with Big J – and it worked! She loved it forever and then after a while it worked in a different way – she would laugh at my antics, knowing it wasn’t working, but thinking I was silly for trying. Regardless, I had her laughing versus WAILING!

My boys haven’t needed much more than hugs to soothe them, but today I put my magic medicine to work with a little boy in Primary. He had bumped his knee and I knew it wasn’t too bad, but you know how it can be for a three year old; clearly the world was coming to an end, and his pain was excruciating (or so my ears told me). I tried the regular tactics but then remembered the magic medicine. I asked him if he wanted some, his head bobbed up and down between sobs and he rolled his pant leg up. At this point, several other children gathered round to see what was to happen. I unbuttoned the pocket on my skirt and looked inside, “yup, still have some left” I announced. Then I beckoned him to reach into my pocket to get some. He did, and as he did I looked to see if he had grabbed some lint or something, because, he was SOOOOOO believable!!! He then tossed it on his knee, stopped crying and sat up nice and tall in his seat. I was shocked! But I kept my composure and told him to let me know if he needed anymore. The whole front row stared at me with dazzled gazes and I heard one child say, “Sister G. has magic in her pocket!”

So whoever you are, thank you for teaching me this special trick that saved my sanity with my daughter and saved a sobbing child today. Yeah for sharing (or stealing) great parenting tips! What are some of your secrets?


Kristy said...

Awesome trick!

Anonymous said...

No tips here, but I stole the idea of the 'thank you bite' and it's working fabulously! And it impressed my mom as she assumed I made it up myself (and I didn't correct her)! Remember--I don't have any original ideas, just stolen or adapted ones!

Michelle said...

it was me you stole it from! uh...just kidding :) but a great tip nonetheless! i will pocket that one. now camie, it's your turn to elaborate on the "thank you bite"...

My Many Coloured Days said...

"Thank You bite" is from Grandma Darlene!!! Everyone at the table has to take a taste of every dish as a "thank you" bite - it works great!!!

Anne Marie said...

Any time I can use humor with the boys to cheer them up I do it. Sounds like you've got a great imagination, Renee.

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