Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Let Me Take A Moment

Moments come in all types. It is quite impossible to qualify what exactly a moment is.

“Just a moment” when you are sitting on the toilet, not only doing the obvious, but practicing your breathing techniques so that when you exit to the wriggling fingers under the door, the yelping of siblings not quite getting along and dinner that needs to be made 10 minutes ago… you will be calm, cool and collected.

“At the exact same moment” the phone rang, the baby had a blow-out, your toddler somersaulted off the top of the bunk bed, your preschooler is experimenting with how long the fish can stay out of water and your husband wants some action.

“It was one of those moments” where I knew beyond a doubt that I was meant to be home with my kids. They were singing “I am a Child of God” and cleaning up their bedroom together.

Enjoy the moments.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

Hilarious! Those are definitely the moments motherhood is made of.

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