Saturday, November 11, 2006

Remembrance Day

They call it Veterans Day here. I grew up with Remembrance Day. At the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month we would have a moment of silence. I can still hear the trumpet playing the “Last Post”. My heart is full when I think of the sacrifice of so many; sacrifice for the freedom that so few today take a moment to remember. I remember making and wearing poppies, placing wreaths at the graves and statues of soldiers who are both strangers and heroes to me. I remember the stories shared by those who truly remember, because they had been there. I remember the lives and remarkable experiences of my grandparents and ancestors who did what they could to make a difference for their descendants. And as I remember those who have gone before me, I also reflect on those who are still yet to come. The many future generations who deserve the same freedoms we possess and the same reminiscences we cherish. I hope and pray we remember to protect what we have, to respectfully pass it on and to pay tribute to those who made our liberty possible. Remember.

1 comment:

Anne Marie said...

What a sweet post!

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