Tuesday, November 07, 2006

New Chore Charts

Again, my picture taking skills don't do justice to my charts - yes I know what my strengths are!

I stole my friend's octopus idea (which she stole from a preschool book from the 70's that her Mom used!) The hands are removable and they consist of the things that have to be done in the morning - our morning routine. This way though, the kids get to choose which order they do them and can attach the hands as they do. (Hello teaching responsibility through personal choice with a little instant gratification.) When they have completed the chart, I raise my hands up and they get to jump to get some high fives. They are not allowed to cry if they can't do something... but can ask a parent or sibling for a helping hand. It worked well today anyways!

Next I created some weekly job charts for each of the kids. We haven't had any for a while (since the Incredibles ones - and Little E has never had his own!) My begging for help hasn't been going over well lately for anyone - so these were badly needed and the excitement has been astounding!

Little E gets a train of course! Each day he gets to attach another car to his train that tells the job he does! He is thrilled and wanted to do much more than one job - which is typically a gigantic battle! (Hopefully this chart will also help with his colour recognition and naming.)

I had wanted to do a Cinderalla theme for Big J - but she asked for Sleeping Beauty (which is fine as long as she doesn't slack at being my servant)!
I found these cool magnet sets but in the mean time I totally copied them (don't sue me!) and printed and laminated them. Big J gets to change her outfit with each daily job. Plus, each day that she practices piano she can put on Sleeping Beauty's crown! Very clever, n'est-ce pas?

Mr. T's is probably my most favourite! Each part of the knight's armour has a daily job written on it - when he fights those daily battles he gets to cover them up with the real pieces of colourful armour! I really could put any chore down I want with new charts - they are willing to do anything for these babies! I should have put "Clean Toilets" - oh well! It was an exciting mothering moment to see my kids joyfully doing laundry, cleaning sinks and scrubbing the stool! Again, I bear solemn testimony of charts! I LOVE 'em!


Kristy said...

Excellent! Those are truly awesome.

Anonymous said...

WOW!!! As you might recall we had chore charts for you when you were growing up but never so personalized! I'm impressed with the time you take to understand each of your children's individuality!

singin'mama said...

I'd like to ditto that last comment!

Anne Marie said...

You should write a book on creating charts. You've got such great ideas.

Jenny said...

So cool. I'm not going to show my kids-they would be jealous.

Balancing & Blogging

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