Sunday, February 17, 2008

Snot Rockets

Yes... that is what you think it is! This boy sure can sneeze. I don't know where he is storing it all, but with every sneeze, snot goes shooting across the sky, inevitably landing somewhere. Today at church it literally went up over and down all over his sweater. Needless to say, he didn't stay for primary (since he'd already infected half the congregation!) His baby brother, seems to be following in his footsteps. And like their father (who thankfully doesn't produce such output) they love to sneeze... seriously love it; it makes them laugh and smile, all the while with snot dripping down their faces. Wishing you all good health for the rest of the sick season!


Lydia said...

So sorry to hear your guys are so boogery. I think we are in recovery mode, I hope anyway. Thanks for the pizza!

Anonymous said...

Make sure everyone is clear on this: I do not have snot running down my face. I enjoy the sneezing, but not the goop.

Mr. Man

singin'mama said...

Okay, that's pretty gross! But, we can relate! You know Mr. Man, as the saying goes, "Monkey see, Monkey do". You don't have me fooled one bit!

Jenn Baird said...

I love to sneeze too. But definately without the goopy stuff. What I love is when it happens to my kids and they just stand there waving there arms wondering what to do as the goop threatens to fall on something other than a kleenex.

Hoosier Mama said...

i can't stop laughing!

Lori said...

Gross. A disclaimer would've been nice. ;)

libbie said...

I think I might throw up! For some reason, the only snot I can handle looking at is my own children's! And even that is disgusting! But that is pretty amazing!

Kristy said...


Mr. Man, do not be ashamed of the goop.

Shawny said...

Eww! I'm not sure I'll be able to return to your blog until you've put a few more posts up, moving this picture to the bottom! ;) Haha!

Kendra said...

yea i agree, i had to scroll down pretty fast on that one. sick. :)

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...