Monday, February 18, 2008

Future Presidents

We were doing a little "President's Day" activity today, and the boys had to tell me 5 things they would do if they were president. Here's what they said:

Little E: *Tell everyone to clean up their toys.
*Have no else rules.
*Eat bananas.
*Everyone would eat their toys.
*Eat your bread before you go to bed. (Because that's good.)

Mr. T: *Tell people to fight in wars.
*Tell people to pay before you get something at the store.
*Tell people to pray before you go to bed.
*Tell people to pay money.
*Go on a boat to go teach some people.
And this is what Miss J, the first grader, has to offer if she were president:
*Save the country by helping people.
*Help free people.
*Help people who are slaves in other countries to not be slaves anymore.
*I would do extra homework.
*I would make sure that everyone is following the laws.


Kendra said...

Well, it's a good thing someone celebrated President's Day...presidents are awesome.

Hoosier Mama said...


Michelle said...

how cute! i wish i would've talked to you yesterday...we were looking for a presidents' day activity! this is a great idea, and the kids' responses are awesome!

Unknown said...

Miss J needs to run for president.

Hope said...

you have the most clever activities at your house. You definetly need to write a book!

Anne Marie said...

Sounds like some great ideas to me. I'm so impressed with your activity.

Jenn Baird said...

dxyI love how simply kids see the world and how to make it better. I never dreamed of planning an activity for Presidents day...good for you.

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