Sunday, February 03, 2008

Last but not Least: The Food Crisis

I sat at the dinner table the other night, shedding tears. I was trying to put off the inevitable for as long as possible. I despise the mess, I hate the impending constipation issues, and I cry the day that I feed my baby real food. My goal was to wait until he was eight months old… but he’s been practically begging for the last month, so we gave in. Well, Mr. Man did. And I got pulled along for the ride… or at least the emotional roller-coaster and the reincarnation of my life of baby food. Your last is so hard; I mourn as much as I rejoice. In the meantime, my almost six month old is loving biter biscuits and rice cereal and he’s actually really good at eating too! A natural – as my last, all I can say is "finally" - as I wipe away a tear!


Anonymous said...

The only reason I gave in is because, as he sits beside me at the table, he kept taking my food!

Lori said...

I dreaded the messy baby food stage too but now Elise is doing great feeding herself more and more. IT's nice when they get past that messy stage, which really is relatively short.

Lydia said...

What a cutie!

Anne Marie said...

He is absolutely adorable! And I agree that it is always hard to let go at each stage, especially with your last!

Laurie said...

He is so cute....and messy! It's hard to watch them grow up and yet I'm glad that I get to enjoy them at each stage!

singin'mama said...

Isn't it so fun?! Cute booster seat by the way. I always shouted for joy when this stage came because they become more independant. It is pretty messy, but fortunately it won't last forever. One day you and Mr. Man will be sitting alone at the dinner table wiping away a tear but for different reasons. It goes fast doesn't it?

Kelli France said...

What a chunky monkey! SO cute!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...