I got a call from Miss J’s first grade teacher a couple of weeks ago. “Nothing to worry about” – she informs my answering machine… yeah… right! It took a several calls and a couple of days for us to get a hold of each other and finally we were talking face to face in the school hallway. She wanted to inform me of a small cafeteria event that had taken place. Apparently when one of Miss J’s very good friends’ class was dismissed, my overly-affectionate daughter went up to her friend and kissed her good bye. I was informed it would be best for her to keep her kisses at home and not at school. I wasn’t overly concerned (since we are good friends the kiss-inflicted child and her family) but promised I would have a little chat with Miss J about her kisses. Mrs. First-Grade Teacher (whom I love, by the way) then proceeded to tell me the true cause of her concern. In that cafeteria filled with first through third graders, seeing my daughter kiss another girl in a friendly jester, caused a ruckus of sorts where Miss J was then teased and called “gay”. Can you imagine?! Mrs. First-Grade Teacher didn’t think it had affected Miss J much, as she simply thought she was getting a little attention, and wasn’t at all embarrassed by their comments, but that she worried that if it were to continue she may get a reputation and not be able to live it down. I was shocked. My little girl has no clue about gays or lesbians, and yet here she was being affronted by little kids in a situation her teacher thought may eventually cause a need to transfer schools! I have since talked to my sweet loving Miss J and she promised no more kissing her friends, and without going into too many details, she was completely oblivious to any malicious remarks that may have been thrown her way. Her innocence is maintained and her reputation intact. First grade people!
So after my little talk with the teacher I fetched the boys (who were by now soaked from playing in the water fountain) and we headed down to the evil cafeteria to say hello to big sister. Mr. T turns to me and asks why I was talking for so long with Mrs. First-Grade Teacher. I told him I like to talk to all my kids’ teachers. He then asked if she was my friend, to which I responded yes. Next came the “why is she your friend?” So I went through a series of good-friend characteristics that I felt fit Miss J’s teacher. Mr. T wasn’t impressed, “But do you think she’s pretty?” he wanted to know. “Do you?” I responded with a smile, catching on to his interest. He shrugged his shoulders with a shy smile on his face and then made a suggestion, “I think you should have your friend over to our house sometime.” Great. My first grader is facing homosexual taunting, and my preschooler is in love with a 30-something year old woman whom he has added to his valentine list. What happened to childhood?
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I think that is just terrible that first graders would even say that! It is just so sad that your innocent little girl offering a kiss good bye to her first grade friend has to be asked to stop!
In first grade?! How do those kids even learn that?
Isn't it the pits that you have to worry about that kind of thing in first grade! Innocence is no more and kids are having to grow up way to fast. I can't even imagine what the issues will be in the next 5-10 years! ugh!!
Oh my goodness! What is the world coming too? Will we see Julia on Oprah's couch soon?
Craziness! I second everything that has been said. There is so much weirdness out there but we don't have to be fearful as parents because we have the gospel. Thank goodness for that!! You are a great mom and you did a great job with the situation.
This kind of situation is one that shows how far gone our society has gone. In reference to Mr. T's infatuation, I guess he's growing up. But, that is something that I think could have waited a few years to surface.
we had almost the same thing happen to us with Braley at teh begingng of this school year! Her teacher was so kind about explaining the importance of keeping our lips to ourselves while we are at school but Miss Braley only had one response for her: "sometimes friends just need a kiss and a hug when their mommy isn't around. Thats why you go to school with friends--so someone loves you while your mama's not with you." good point, but leave your lips to yourself. It's odd that they aren't able to show any physical affection, isn't it?
I continue to be shocked almost everyday when my children come home from school and retell their adventures. I am amazed at what they see and hear yet they seem to remain strong and true to thier own beliefs. My oldest dealt with this little situation because of a comment he made about never having a girlfriend before and he was then teased as being gay and we did have to change schools because of the teasing. He is in 6th grade though. I hate all the evil out there but I have homeschooled my children also and I'm not so sure that is the answer either. Prayer! Lots of prayer! Good luck! You're a good mother and she comes from a good strong family. Kids are tough!
wow! that is crazy. i really think it is so sad that it starts that early, but hooray for J's innocence!
and your comment about mr t. freaked me out! this means that almost five-year-old boys notice that girls are pretty! although i must say it was really cute how he went about sharing his crush with you...
just yesterday, for the first time, parker got all excited to tell me that they chased the girls at preschool...i'm not sure i'm ready for all of this!
this kind of stuff makes me so mad for some reason. i just wish kids could be kids! they are so sweet and innocent! cute little ty always holds hands with his friend dixon - arrrrrrrrgh! What is wrong with this world?
I can't believe that your daughter was teased about this in first grade! I am appalled! what kind of world are we living in?
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