Friday, July 11, 2014

Re-Cap of Scouting Experience TYLER

On my 17 mile hike it was long and there were some very cool plants. I learned about some plants the Hawaiians used to make fire and what they used for shampoo "sham-poo" that will never get old, o back to the point, We were on a long hike when we made it to the top the trail was knee deep mud and you tripped a lot if you moved to the left a foot you would fall down a long drop ahhh splat I need to get that image out of my mind Okay so we were coming down and when we got half way back down we ate peanut butter sandwiches with wight bread. Then we ran down the hill that was our first 11 mile hike.on our next hike it was half as muddy and the path was not fun we had to balance on logs and hold onto ropes and had to cross rivers many times then we went through a bamboo forest then we made it home. When I got home the hot water in the shower had run out. When I tried to count my bug bites I had over 20 just on my arm muceles. The first time I went to camp I could not understand them because they were speaking pigoen so but after a while you get use to it and start saying it to a little. What we ate was a little funny to breakfast cocanut water and pancakes lunch cocanut, cocanut water sandwiches dinner cocanut water, cocanut, stuff. We played capture the flag to we learned that the team with a ceirtan base always wins we even switched bases same result.

1 comment:

Miss C said...

You should ask Uncle Andrew and Uncle Kyle to send you the pictures of their many bugs bites from scout camp and compare.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...