Monday, July 28, 2014

Question and Answer with ETHAN

What do you like most about Hawaii?
"How there's really cool fish I guess."

How is Hawaii different from Montana?

Montana is cold Hawaii is warm. 
How is Hawaii similar to Montana?
 "We have a house here and we have a house there."

What do you miss most about home?
"My house, my wii, not Tylers wii, my wii."

What do you think you will miss most about Hawaii when we go home?
"All of the Pineapple."

What is your favourite thing to do in Hawaii?
"That, my friend, is classified information and I mean it."
What is your favourite beach?  Why?
"Pounders. Because it has huge I mean HUGE WAVES!"

1 comment:

Miss C said...

What do we have to do to get this classified information out of you, Ethan???

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