Sunday, August 30, 2009

It's all about the TOOTH

We've had, and are expecting, lots of family visitors. Love having family over. I have lots to catch up on in the blogging world; company means we do more, but I have less time to blog. Hopefully after everyone leaves I will have lots of time to journal and post in order to overcome the immense loneliness that will be sure to follow a couple of weeks of fun family time. But I had to take a moment to post THIS miraculous picture:

Mr. T lost his first tooth. The boy's tooth has been loose for months and months now. Seriously. I'm thinking eight maybe. He refused to touch it. Which is so opposite from Miss J who constantly is wiggling teeth that aren't even thinking about being loose yet. At lunch today he thought it was going to fall out... but we were eating quickly in order to be on time for church (a great feat) and he claimed he didn't have time for his tooth to fall out or else we would be late (whose child is he?). So it was at the very end of church in primary that the tooth just fell - that last root just gave up its hold apparently. He is so happy and so proud. He keeps asking, "Aren't you so proud of me for losing a tooth?" Unfortunately his real smile is such that you can't see the location of the missing tooth - so he looks rather goofy with that grin to show it off. Tonight we will be expecting company, but also a little fairy.


lani said...

Ahhhh, what a milestone. He is such a cutie, too. And I think it's funny that Ty's approach to teeth is just like Julia's, while Shayla's is just like Tyler's. Maybe it's a birth order thing :)

Laura said...

Lookin' good, Mr. T!

joy said...

So fun. We have a loose tooth at our house that has also been loose a LONG time. I think maybe tomorrow will be the day. Tell T they can be tooth buddies.

Amy said...

Losing a tooth is so exciting! I can't believe it lasted 8 months! Did you get Catching Fire yet?

Mamabug said...

Congrats Mr T.! Do you have any other wiggly teeth? Hey I hope your settling-in is going well!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...