Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Wizard Chess

The kids have been in Harry Potter mode over here... which consists of a lot of imaginary play and spell casting, as well as lots and lots of chess. We have a great big closet under the stairs that has become the playroom and "Harry Potter cupboard" and has proved a very fun space. Having all of our toys and games unpacked has also been a delight as we still have two more weeks of summer break over here. The minute they wake up in the morning the three eldest scramble to figure out who will play who first at chess... and the tournaments continue throughout the day; meaning I have to literally drag them away from that chess board to go play outside. Now if only I had a spell that would make them get along all day...


Anne Marie said...

Adorable picture of your boys. Chess is a family favorite over here too. Moving is so hard. It always takes time to get settled and make friends. You are the kind of person who attracts lots of friends. You're very easy to talk to. So, I'm sure, before you know it, the friends will be there.

Jennifer said...

That is a really cool picture. I've just made aquantiace (I swear that is a word) with a couple of my neighbors. I suddenly realize how easy it was to be a mom with kids at the Glen. I understand your post on the 10th VERY well. Thanks for the complement on the house. I really love being able to clean and it actually look nice. (I wonder how long the new look will last with two upcoming trouble makers.) I hope the defense goes well. I have lots of questions for you and plenty of HORROR spider stories. I wasn't bothered by spiders (as you well remember with my gift of spiders to you at Halloween) but man I have maxed out my spider cool points here. Now, I confess, I am a total SCREAMER complete with hebe-jebees. Tomorrow I'll drive to LOWES for the 400th time to try yet again to get a handle for a dresser drawer. Honestly how many times can you return the same blasted thing (lol). I can't believe the little guy is 2 this week. Wow. I should just call you rather than blab. e-mail me your phone will you?

Jodie said...

I love your posts. But this has nothing to do with this one...I just saw these and thought immediately of you and had to share. :)


Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...