Sunday, August 16, 2009

Professor Dumbledore?

We went to our new ward for church last Sunday without Mr. Man - who was travelling at the time. The kids were a bit trepidatious to attend a "new church" class and primary, but were thrilled to find out that they were singing the same songs as our last ward, and that they were given plentiful opportunities to earn candy through participation. (I seriously cannot believe HOW MUCH CANDY my kids ate and brought home... it was like trunk or treat.) Anyways, on the way out to the car a nice lady stopped me to introduce herself and let me know that she was Little E's primary teacher. She just went on and on about him and thought he was just the cutest thing ever. Every parent's dream: to have a teacher that adores their child, and to have a son who was (hopefully) being adorable and well-behaved. She asked a few questions and then said that she knew my husband was a fisherman and asked what type of fishing he did for a living. I was shocked and stuttered through some sort of incoherent response, mostly asking where she had heard such a thing. Apparently she had asked Little E what his Daddy did, and he had replied, "He's a fisherman. He caught five fish." After hearing her story, I laughed, explaining that we had recently been on vacation where Mr. Man took the kids fishing and had, indeed, caught five fish... but that he wasn't a fisherman by trade. We laughed, and I died laughing once we got in the car again - and anytime I think of this story!

I asked Little E why he had told his teacher that his Dad was a fisherman. And he looked me square in the face and said, "She asked me what does my Daddy do... and that's all I could think of." I explained to him that when someone asks what Daddy does, they are trying to ask what he does for job or for work. He thought about this for a moment and then burst out laughing when he realized that somebody thought his Dad's JOB was to be a fisherman. I love that this kid can already laugh at himself.

Well today at church a mother whose daughter is in Little E's class came up to me. Apparently Little E has made quite the impression on this little girl. Her mother went to class with her just to meet my son and they had a little conversation. The little girl was born in Indiana and so her mother asked Little E where in Indiana we had moved from. He shrugged his shoulders and then said, "I don't know. But it's not very big." Then she asked him why our family had moved here and he told her it was because his Daddy got a job. Then she asked him, "What does your Daddy do?" And he wisely told her, "Well, he's NOT a fisherman!" She told me all of this while I tried not to cry laughing and explained the background from last Sunday's fisherman story as well!

On the car ride home, we asked Little E if he knew what Mr. Man does for a job. He did, in way too many words. So Mr. Man told him he could just say, "he's a professor." Little E smiled real big as he thought about this and said, "I'm going to tell them that you're Professor Dumbledore!!!" At least it's a BIT closer to the truth! However, I fear I'm in for a lot of story-telling with this one!

PS - This is my 500th POST!


Amy said...

I love that your kids wear life jackets on the dock to go fishing with your "fisherman" husband.

It has been so much fun to catch up on your blog. I hope that you soon make dozens of friends to fill up your new gorgeous house!

P.S. I love your birthday letter to your last two year old.:)

Boyz Zone said...

I love it!! Reading this was a good way to start my Monday! Miss you!

singin'mama said...

Soo Funny!

Kristy said...

Oh, that is a very funny story. Sounds like you guys are off to a great start in your new ward.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...