Sunday, August 09, 2009

Is a short sucky post better than no post?

We are here. Here in our new house, and for a short two days we were all together as a family again. It has been a bit crazy but fun crazy and survivable crazy. I feel like I have so much catching up to do with what our lives have been like the last couple of weeks... but I have to prioritize, and getting our home put together and our lives a little more routine has to come first. I'm also tackling a sucky cold that just won't leave. Mr. Man just flew back to where we came from to defend his dissertation this week (long story) and at the end of the week I hope for a sense of normalcy. But for anyone wondering (since we are still desperately friend-less), we are fine and we made it! Our home is overwhelmingly beautiful and our town is gorgeous - the kids keep asking if we are staying or if we are on vacation, we feel so blessed to have the opportunity to live here and are looking forward to settling in. BIG BIG thank yous to everyone who helped with our move and "transition" week... it's hard to leave such good friends.


joy said...

Yes, its better.

So glad you made it. Still hanging on to our colds too. Sorry. Hope you are better soon.

LollyGirl said...

where are you guys now?! email me. so happy for you and hope things settle down quickly!

Shawny said...

Can't wait to hear about all the adventures that have been and are to come!

Carla said...

Oh that's so wonderful! That's truly amazing that the kids are wondering if you're on vacation or if you're really lucky enough to live there. And you got to fly??! Lucky!

A short sucky post is better than none. And it is hard to leave good friends, but just wait for all of the amazing new people you'll soon grow to love.

Laura said...

Yikes, that is a little plane.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...