Monday, August 10, 2009


{some pictures of our plane travels}

I have two half-written entries with scattered thoughts and impressions, respectively titled "Moments and Memories of the Move" and "Many Mini-Miracles". But I have to take a moment to say just how incredibly lonely I am. I have this big beautiful house but nobody to drop by to say "hi" or meet at the park. Driving on new streets is a lonely feat as well. Today has been a sad lonely day for me. While the sun is shining and I have windows galore to let in its beautiful rays, I've felt dark. We went out a couple of times, even after the first adventure went awry (registering the kids for school... a LONG horrible time and story) we ventured out to our little park up the street, where thankfully another mother with children showed up so I had someone to gather information from, and just talk to. However, the sunscreen had yet to be unpacked and so we are all sporting gorgeous red faces tonight. Things would seem brighter if Mr. Man were here, but tomorrow is his big day: his glorious defense, which I'm sure he will blow right out of the water. He is so amazing. But nervous... so keep him in your prayers. It is also Baby J's second birthday tomorrow.. but shhhhhh... we're not celebrating until Saturday when Daddy will be here and hopefully more order will abound and I'll have the ability to have cake and celebrate. I'm praying for patience. And for friends... for each of us


Kate said...

You are so good at seeking out and surrounding yourself with good people who support and build you up. You'll find them and they will find you. In the meantime, I'm dropping in with a plate of cookies - or would you rather have brownies - and taking a tour of your beautiful new house, can I sign the guest book?

Net said...

Mr. Man will do great on his defense. It was fun to see him again, even if it has only been a week. Wish you were here too! Keep hanging in there. Soon you will have friends banging down your door.

The Wilsons said...

I am glad to hear that you made it safe and sound. It sure is hard to fight the lonelies when you first get somewhere--and doubly so since Mr. Man isn't with you!!! Best wishes as you continue to get more settled in. It likely won't be too terribly long before things start to feel more like home.

Carla said...

Awe! I totally feel your pain. I haven't yet had to do it without Chad or with the stress of trying to set up a new house, but... it really helped me to focus on making my kids my best friends. We had a lot of fun while learning the layout of the land and trying to make friends. We'd visit all of the surrounding parks, zoos, children's museums (do you still have a valid Wonderlab pass?) splash pads, farms, etc. Any way to turn it into a positive. We had a great time, and I actually ended up kind of enjoying (at times) the solitude and lack of responsibility... enough to get me through for a while anyway. It is really hard though, especially when you thrive on friends and structure as you and I do. Hang in there!

joy said...

We are missing you too.

lani said...

Knowing you, you will make friends quickly and they will wonder how they ever survived without you living close by. Hang in there for the rough getting settled period. I predict it won't last long!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...