Friday, August 21, 2009

Our Hike

The Goal: to hike to the "M"

The Participants: 2 Moms (one completely out of shape), 2 toddlers, 3 big kid hikers, 1 jogging stroller

Fuel: fruit leather, homemade granola bars, water... lots of encouragement


(See the M in the background! The kids were sort of thinking it would be a standing up M or something and were a bit disappointed to just find rocks!!! The view, however, was breathtaking... what breath I had left!)

The View: see our little town...

The hike down was a bit more of an adventure as we took a wrong turn and encountered steep clifs and lots of what the kids called "rock climbing". We sang praises to the pioneers and were happy to find our air-conditioned vehicles waiting in the parking lot below. It was a great time, and I'm so glad we did it... and am thankful for a new friend for both Baby J (he really needs a new name on this blog) and myself. We already have another adventure planned for next week - right before school starts!
Yeah for fresh mountain air. And showers... for when we get home!


Amy said...

How fun! We often see those letters on the side of mountains but never thought you could hike up to them!

I am so glad that you found a friend. I wish I was there to be your friend:)

Laura said...

I'm very impressed! Getting used to high altitude hiking can be a killer.

The Enslingers said...
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The Enslingers said...

Too many spelling errors in the first attempt...:) Anyway, Umm...Was I the mom you referred to as "out of shape?" :) You can totally see that to be true as I am the one that is ever so red faced in the picture! Okay maybe it was both of us....It was totally awesome how we held a fun conversation between spurts of trying to catch our breath..Good times! :)

Kristy said...

Great job! My kids always ask about the letters on the mountain, too. I'm not sure we would make it all the way there! :)

Topher said...
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Balancing & Blogging

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