I have little journals for each of my kids. The eldest has many entries by both Mom and Dad as though we were her at age 2 months and so forth. The second has monthly entries that mostly compile what he is up to and little cute comments he made. The third has mostly the "overheard" cute things kids say. And the fourth... well his journal doesn't even have his name in it. Bummer. But he also has way more pictures taken of his baby and toddler years (praise digital cameras... now if I could just get them all printed) and he does have an active blogger Mommy... so he's not off too badly. At any rate, if you find me recording more of the cute things this guy says, it's because of his lack of a journal and also... well my big kids don't often say cute things anymore. Annoying. Guess I need to pull out their journals at times to remember when they were so darn adorable. Don't get me wrong, I think they're adorable, just minus the speech impediments and wacky brain connections that make the wildest things come out of their mouths.
Here's the short list for the week, I really wish I could remember them all.
"I'm exhausting!" (He says this quite often when he's tired, but I always agree - hee hee!)
"I almost flushed me down the toilet and then I would die. But don't worry Mommy, Jesus will make me back alive if I don't like it in the sky."
"I can't eat my chicken, all my teeth fell out." (He has two brothers that are missing a multitude of teeth right now and can't eat things like apples!)
"I don't have any friends. Only people who want me to be there friend but I'm not."
"Cookies are good for MY body." (After telling him that too many cookies aren't good for our bodies.)
"When I had no teeth I used to nurse on you." (When he walked in on me getting out of the shower.)
"It's called HIDE and GO SEEK Mom. I hide and YOU go seek."
kids do say the darnest things- hey- that used to be a show :)
Dang that kid is CUTE!
he certainly is growing up
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