Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Groundhog Day

{visitors always bring with them mild weather...
good for us, yet I want them to know how I suffer when they are gone!!!}

I don't think I've provided you with enough pictures of OUR WINTER.
It's been so cute to see all of you post pictures of a teeny tiny bit of snow, some ice, school cancellations, and small snowmen. We've been building snowmen since September. The snow we shovel off of our driveway has now formed mountains. We have not seen our grass or street in many months. And don't think that because we get a lot of snow here that the removal system is great. It's not. In fact I saw a steam roller come down my street to help pad DOWN all the snow the other week. They put sand JUST at the intersections, if at all. I think our van is the smallest vehicle in this town, people drive BIG in order to drive THROUGH all the snow. And our school secretary told me that school has not been canceled in our town in 19 years.
{our backyard ice rink that is in the works}

We don't need a groundhog to tell us there will be (at least) six more weeks of winter. Mostly we're worried he won't be able to get out of his burrow through all the snow to tell us what we already know.

{If you come stay with me, this will be your window view}

But we did enjoy our traditional groundhog day breakfast! And amidst schooling, organizing the drive, and laundry (there's always laundry - thank heavens for my washing machine), we will be celebrating this fun holiday in style! Celebrating the snow that will be here until June.


Kendra said...

although your pictures make me cringe and shiver in my seat I do think the mountains are beautiful - mountains in the Northwest are the best - though Seattle was never THAT snowy!

I really don't know what to say because I know I would curse the snow everyday... so, good luck with that.

and happy groundhog day:)

Lily said...

The snow looks clean and beautiful. A few years back I went to Northern China- Beijing was -20c and was very comfortable to walk around, in fact kids were playing basketball in shorts in that temperature. Harbin dipped to -40c (okay that was too cold). I realized that sunny, cold,snowy days are okay. Where I live now, -5c is worth a groan because of the wind and wet snow, it becomes intolerable, soaking through the bone and that lethbridge type of wind that makes it difficult to walk. There have been few days that kids could actually play out in the snow.

The skating rink, the snowmen, the beautiful scenery and the sunniness makes your place look like a winter utopia.

Also, great Ground-hog day idea. YOu are an awesome Mom!

Like many people I have been puzzled and feeling heavy and like my hands are tied regarding about what happened in Haiti and the part I/my family can play.

Thanks for your inspiring posts...it always boosts me to do better.

Shawny said...

Looks like we both moved to snowy snowy places! I don't mind just as long as they can clear the streets and don't cancel school! :)

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