Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sweet Nothings

Amidst the busyness of our Saturday, I had a moment to pick up a few items at the grocery store.  Alone.  They were sale items, and I knew exactly what I was going to get from perusing the ad.  Plus it was at the "nice" grocery store.  Did I mention I was alone?  Instead of grabbing a stubborn cart with seats or a car in front, I grabbed a basket.  I felt like Mrs. Dalloway purchasing fresh flowers.  I grabbed my few items, paid the small price and then, since I hadn't been driving the van with our reusable grocery sacks, I asked for my items to be bagged in paper.  I adore paper bags.  This may sound odd, but the whole experience made me feel alive and fresh; like I had been perusing and shopping at an outdoor market a hundred years ago.  I loved it.  The sun was shining and it was a brief and enjoyable interlude between all the hectic activities we had going on.  I'm grateful for the sweet nothings that bring happiness to what can often feel like a rather monotonous time of life.


Nick and Anne Priest said...

I love paper bags too. They bring back memories of being a kid. What a nice shopping trip!

Shawny said...

Paper bags are great for cooling cookies on. They soak up all the excess fat! I love them!!

bryceandjamie said...

Paper bags are great! Glad you got a few moments to relax.

Laura said...

Shopping alone is heavenly! My parents used to fight over who "got" to do the grocery shopping!

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