Monday, January 04, 2010

To Satiate Your Hunger

Pictures of curtains forthcoming - once they are all hung and the lighting is right.

For now, please enjoy these pictures of my sweet little girl skinning and cutting off the head of an elk.
She now carries around elk teeth and a bullet in her pocket to commemorate the event.

You can't tell, but she went to this with her finger nails painted and glitter on her cheeks.
What a girl!

New on her wish list: a gun and the chance to go hunting. Yikes.
(None of my boys would get close - including Mr. Man.)


LollyGirl said...

can't wait to see the pics of the curtains! my thoughts are consumed w/ home decor as i'm trying to figure out what to do w/ my new home!

what a brave girl!!

Kendra said...

You are now true Montanans.

What yummy elk recipe will you be trying?

Kristy said...

Oh, my goodness! Where did she find an elk that needed skinning?

Unknown said...

Way to go Miss J! I am so proud of her! (Saying this as I just flew across the country with deer meat in tow...haha).

Boyz Zone said...

You know that I am loving this post!!! Tell her that I think she is wonderful!

Laura said...


Balancing & Blogging

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