Monday, January 04, 2010


I do daily morning "activities" with my boys, and was looking for some fun new ideas. I came across this amazing blog and thought I would share THE ACTIVITY MOM with all of you Mom's and teachers... I think her son is close to my little guy's age, and I'm realizing how much I baby him even in the learning department! Oh well, hugs and kisses and cuddles won't last forever! And I do think it's pretty cute that his "default" color for ones he doesn't know is always his favourite color: ORANGE!

1 comment:

Camie said...

THANK YOU! for sharing this. I think you know that this is not a strength of mine as a mom. I have a list of resources of yours from the past and I would love an updated list of websites and/or books that you use. I am always re-committing to do activity time with my kids, and I always fail at it!! I'll add this blog to my google reader--I think she will also help inspire me!

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