Monday, January 25, 2010


When I was in high school, a close family friend and neighbor who was just a few years older than I passed away. Her death occurred due to an accident, and I truly felt that someone dying that young had to have been an accident. It was not my first brush with death, and I felt suddenly of the reality that it would not be my last. At her funeral we sang the hymn, "Each Life that Touches Ours for Good." And to be honest, I can never think of that song without thinking of her, and without thinking about those who are close to me who have passed on. It is bitter sweet.

This morning my Aunt Pam passed away.

The words from that song have been going through my mind ever since I heard the news.

We heard yesterday that she was in the hospital and that only time would tell how long she had to live. The kids drew their best pictures and cards to send to decorate her room. I didn't get to put them in the mail. My heart is full, my cheeks are wet, my mind mingling with memories as well as resolutions and thoughts of the loss that her absence from earth will bring.

And I suddenly understand why we say we lose someone to death. Her dear husband and children are at a huge loss; the world has lost a most amazing teacher; I have lost an aunt who was always so full of life - so positive, giving, and truly steadfast.

With this loss comes the gaining of memories. The more full realization of her life as it has touched mine and so many others'. I can't wait to see her again someday.

*Aunt Pam is standing next to me in the photo up above
: she has fabulous red hair and a great smile


Kendra said...

so sorry for your family's loss.

beautiful song.

Amy said...

I love that song. I can't ever sing it with out choking up.

I am sorry for your loss.

Balancing & Blogging

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