Friday, January 29, 2010


We are on our third big container of THIS:
It all started innocently enough with a free sample at Costco. Little E, who is by far my pickiest eater, was immediately impressed and begged me to buy some. How could I resist a food he might actually eat and enjoy? So we came home with a super huge bag of chips and hummus. The boy has been addicted ever since. He will inform me to no end when our stash is getting low, and begs and begs for chips and hummus at almost every meal and especially to share as an after school snack. The other kids were a bit slow to turn, preferring salsa with their chips, but sure enough each has slowly tasted, re-tasted and turned to hummus as their tonic of choice. I knew it was getting bad when Little E suggested the other day that we should try making our own and then maybe even sell it. I have an addict on my hands.
Speaking of addictions, the boy is still into wearing this park ranger shirt on an almost daily basis. Loves it to no end. The shorts are finally out of the question (too short and I keep my house too cold), but he refuses to believe that the top is too small (it's a 2T)! The deal is that I get to touch my cold hands to whatever skin is being revealed... he hates that. Anyone seen any bigger park ranger shirts?


Shawny said...

I'm so going to get me some of that hummus. I was drawn into buying the BIG bag of awesome costco chips after a tasting last time we were there. Hummus here is come!

Shawny said...


Here I come!

joy said...

We like it with warm pita bread (not to be mistaken for nasty pocket bread). Also for dipping carrots. Yum.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...