Saturday, July 12, 2008


I got in one of my "moods" today - to put it nicely. And rapidly went through the house discarding as much as possible and re-organizing anything I could put my fingers on. Right before bedtime I walked in to the boys' room to find piles of trains and train table items sorted all over the floor. I couldn't help but laugh and ask, "What are you doing?"

Mr T replied, "We're putting all the same trains together here, all the lights here, and well, we're organizing, aren't we E?" Little E nodded and added, "Yeah Mom, that's what we're doing. We're organizing. Um, what's organizing mean?"

My poor kids. Funny stuff though. And just proves that I don't need stuff to have fun. I've got enough kids to organize as it is. Ughhhh!


Anne Marie said...

I should probably "organize" a little more often so my kids will have some idea of what that's supposed to mean.

Rachel said...

Hey, if you've still got that groove going, feel free to stop on by over here! I could use a little ORGANIZATIONAL help!

Kids really do mimc us don't they. Now, if only I would stop showing so many flaws!!!

Hoosier Mama said...

funny to hear mr. man's take on your organizing rampage yesterday! You two are really fun with eachother. Great couple!

Kristy said...

Too funny! I wish my kids would organize all my themselves.

Stephanie said...

It's nice to catch up on your family again after being gone for a while. Congrats on the American citizenship, you won't regret it. :) Sounds like you guys are having some fun days at the pool, I'm sure your own mother has some great stories to tell about you at the seems the tradition is carrying on!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...