Tuesday, October 30, 2007


*Big J’s last soccer game: the jamboree! She played her best friend and it was fun to see high fives between the opponents.

*Little E’s “Joy School” put on a parade and sang some songs for the parents! That kid is full of spunk and his whole body danced as he sang, “Oh boy, I’ve got joy!” I love it!

*Mr. T finally crossed the line with his scissor and cutting obsession – he cut his hair – a first in our house. Little E’s eyes grew wide at the prospect of cutting your own hair so we’ll see if this is the beginning or the end of such haircutting woes. Mr. T enjoys announcing: "I'm bald now!" Hmmm...

*Baby J has been a bit fussy lately, he has a cold and it’s always hard getting back on schedule after a trip! He’s grabbing at everything now – especially my hair (hello ponytail world!) and he actually enjoyed tummy time today. My baby is growing up… I’m enjoying his toothless grins while I can.


singin'mama said...

My favorite is the belly roll baby J has! so sweet!

Dana and ohana said...

Personal haircuts happened for the fist time for us last year. I coulda killed Miss Braley but it IS a good story to tell.

Rachel said...

What cute kiddos! Baby J is getting so big!

Anne Marie said...

Love all the costumes! And your little baby is absolutely adorable.

singin'mama said...

Oh, one more thing. Just remember that Adam still has Tyler beat by a long shot with the painting of the house black ordeal. But, just like paint can be covered, so does hair grow back. It actually reminds me of a time I messed up Rob's hair and totally buzzed a huge square in his head to the skin. Everyone thought he had had surgery! hee, hee! Memories are made of this...

Laurie said...

Hey, cute kids! I know that Scooby-do and that ninja! Looks like a very fun and crazy group of joy-schoolers!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...