Sunday, June 10, 2007

He Made It!

A little after 3am Mr. Man made it through the front door in time for 3 hours of sleep before the kids awakened us with cheers and cries for cartoons! What a reunion! We are now spending a relaxing – though very productive – weekend together trying to catch up on all that hasn’t been done and prepare for our trip to Kansas next week. It is beyond me how much having this man in my house and in my presence makes me feel so secure, so happy and so utterly and completely loved. How I have been smiling!!!

Mr. T (middle with pink brace) had his last t-ball game yesterday. (We’ve missed about half his games due to his fevers – from his Trevor’s disease - and my inability to get him there.) It took a lot of convincing, but he finally made it on the diamond and had a great time! We all enjoyed cheering him on, and I was so glad that his Daddy could be there to help him and motivate him. Later, after Mr. Man cleaned my house, ran my errands and made my lunch, we went to the pool to relax. The pool is definitely our family friend… everyone enjoys it and though I’m not getting my recommended 6 hours a day, my tan is starting to look rather good!!!

Last night, after I had a nice long nap – during which time Daddy bathed all three kids and put them to bed – I decided to attempt to deep-clean our microfiber couch – which has gotten filthy and has been staring at me from across the room just begging me to clean it. On the floor, with my foot up, I tried several recommended processes (from hours of online research) and ultimately was relieved to find that my Bissell did the best job ever! I just did the cushions for now, and they look oh so beautiful! When I have a little more standing time, I’ll be anxious to do the rest of the couch.

So I have my man, and my clean couch… and my list of nostalgia from last summer makes me realize how truly blessed I am to be where I am this summer – even though it’s from a rather difficult position. Pray for low estimates on our van repairs and a safe and fun family trip to Kansas… with no early baby!


Anne Marie said...

Must be so nice to have your man back. Enjoy your visit. Hope everything goes well.

Lori said...

I'm glad you are reunited...I can't imagine being separated from my husband for very long...esp. pregnant. And that's good to know about cleaning your microfiber couch...mine is looking ready for a nice cleaning as well.

Michelle said...

when are coming out here to kansas? we'd love to see you if you're passing through!

Dana and ohana said...

Isn't it great to have your hubby home? My Mr. Man is gone at least two weeks every month and it makes a world of difference when he is home. Things just run more smoothly, don't they?

Kristy said...

Mr. Man is The Man. Sounds like he's been a great help. Good job on the couch!

Balancing & Blogging

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