Thursday, August 10, 2006

My New Best Friend

Coming home to friends is an added, and much needed, bonus. Thankfully we have some tried and true friends who have remained... some have moved on, and some new ones who have arrived. One new friend showed up on my birthday... really one of the greatest gifts yet. This is a friend who has helped me to let go and be a little less uptight about life. My new friend is willing to help in some of the worst situations ever... say when a child vomits (I hate even the sound of that word) in the middle of the night or when my potty trainers forget to use the potty - yup, my friend is there at those times to help me out. I LOVE this new friend and am glad to open up my home and feel like family. I hope you all get to be friends with my new friend, Bissell, and I know that if you do, your life will be better, cleaner and really quite exquisite!

Thanks Greg for a fabulous birthday gift! (Note: I've been asking for this for almost a year now and Greg swore he wouldn't give it to me - as it was "not romantic". I made the comment a couple of weeks ago that if I had this gift I would have a lot more time on my hands for romance! I guess that was the cincher.)


Jenny said...

I love Bissell too! I think having a Bissell in your home is actually a protective force. Ever since we used it several times after purchasing it, I haven't had to pull it out for accidents and vomitting for at least a year. Knock on wood!!!

Kristy said...

I also have a Bissell little green clean machine (or something like that), and believe me, you'll love it even more if you ever get a puppy!

Anonymous said...

At first I thought the Bissell was an abysmal gift, but after adding in 'Apples to Apples', I felt much better. I can't imagine ever asking for a cleaning product for my birthday unless it was over 2 horsepower.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...