Tuesday, June 06, 2006


Top 10 Things I Miss

10) a second bathroom
9) DVD player/VCR
8) my comfy couch... or any couch for that matter
7) our BIG kitchen table
6) my friends
5) my kids' friends
4) a phone that dials out to more than just 905 numbers
3) my washer & dryer
2) a stove
1) a backyard


Anonymous said...

You've listed mostly essentials, Renee! I hope you survive the summer. . . Hugs!

Michelle said...

this reminds me of my mission to Uruguay...i missed carpet, peanut butter, etc. etc. so funny, though, how when you finally get those things back, you appreciate them a thousand times more!!

Kristy said...

Awwww ... but such an adventure!

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