Thursday, March 10, 2011

Manhandled by the Family

One of the things I love about my in-laws is how much they all make fun of each other. I've been the butt of a few good ones, and I admit that I've even chosen to have my feelings hurt. That was before I discovered that making fun of each other is how they show love. No, really. It's so different from my family, and yet I think it's wonderful! The almost weekly calls and email diatribes that go on between these people are hilariously mocking yet loving. I'm sharing one from this week, just to demonstrate my point, and to let those with young fighting children know that 1) the quarreling will never end; and 2) that's not such a bad thing.

Mr. Man's original email to his family with the subject, "Manhandled":

So I was taking {The Preschooler} to preschool this morning and we decided to listen to the radio. The song 'dyanmite' was on and he enjoys this song alot. After that song, there was some dj talk and then it went to another song, a 'girl song' according to {The Preschooler}. From my perspective, I simply spaced out during the talk and was thinking about what I need to do at work when the girl song was going on. From {The Preschooler's} perspective, I am not a man. About a minute into the girl song, he asks, "Dad, can we turn off the radio or do you like girl songs?" I told him I didn't notice and that I can turn it off. He then went on to say "That's okay if you like this, it just I don't". So, I guess in my son's eyes, I am no longer a guy, but a fem.
Also, I just got my paper "Reevaluating the Effect of Non-Teaching Wages on Teacher Attrition" published in the Economics of Education Review.

The Responses/Mocking Dialogue to his Email:

1) Awesome news about your publication. Can you send me the article?


First J ... then you !

W, we are the last of the “ men “ in this family !

3)Interesting...we are also the only "men" who own firearms

True again ...

J – G - Hanna Montana anyone !

5) Wow... I have been completely emasculated!

6) Oh My Gosh, we have the same sunglasses!

7) I think they're closet Justin Bieber fans!

8)You know you're white suburbia when you use the word 'firearms' to refer to your gun

9) I gave them the benefit of the doubt with Hannah, however, it seems to be going down the “ don’t ask ... don’t “ tell road.

10) {Your wife} once mentioned that with more children the kid's journals got thinner. This is something you definitely need to record. What a little man.

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