Friday, March 18, 2011

Home is where my Heart is

...Continued from yesterday...

4) Another corner of my home that makes me happy. My "certain curtains" that I never posted pictures of (but merited a whole blog post of their own). This room has such large windows and the curtains add just the right touch without taking away from both the brilliant natural light and outdoor views. And then there are the plates. The bottom one was my Oma's, from Holland of course, and reminds me so much of a terrible childhood tragedy, that I just know it will be destroyed by one of my children one day. Mom, I'm not sure if you know this, but remember that Dutch plate you had on the corner of the mantle by the front door at our Southdale house? Remember how one day it fell and crashed into a million pieces as we were all leaving for school? I was very much to blame for that (though I won't name names of the others involved). And I couldn't understand why you were so upset about a plate... we talked the whole way to school about why on earth you were crying and screaming about a blue and white plate. Now I understand. I'm sorry.

The plate in the middle was given to Mr. Man and I when we got engaged by a relative... look closely, it's sweet. The one on top was brought home by Mr. Man when he went to Istanbul, Turkey last year and nearly died. I think they look pretty there.
5) The kids' play kitchen. It fits perfectly in this little nook in my kitchen. And is used and loved by all children who enter our home. It is also a catch-all for random items. If you can't find it, we say to look in the kitchen - and we mean THIS kitchen.

6) Miss J's bookshelf. Not even half of her books are here, and she really needs a tall one... but I love glancing at her shelves and seeing who she was, who she is, and who she is becoming. There are favourite princess books from younger years on the bottom shelf (and the princess lamp on the top), her musical Noah's Ark from when she was a baby, roses she's saved and dried, an "I like me" display with her picture from Activity Day's, her microphone and clock stereo for blaring and singing to her music... not to mention all the books!
7) Miss J's desk to match her specific "pink and brown" room coordinating colors. I looked and hunted for this desk forever and finally found it for a great deal on craigslist of course. We spray painted it and presented it as her birthday gift a couple of birthdays ago. I can't count all the hours she has spent at this desk. You can see her art kit on the floor behind it... and her "bright" pink curtains that she likes to have flowing in the butt freezing cold breeze as she stares out her mountain view window for inspiration.

I'm loving this little exercise of mine. It makes me happy and very less green! And lest you think the grass is always greener, I challenge you to look around your home and find the nooks and crannies (or perhaps full-out rooms!) that make your heart happy too.

I still have a few more pictures to share. So you can know in advance to skip reading tomorrow if you're bored to death... this is also a journal of sorts and I haven't bored myself to death quite yet.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

I'm addicted to seeing pictures of peoples homes so bring it on!

Emma has the exact same (all white) desk in her room with a beautiful wooden art kit that sits atop! She always has some project going on at that little desk. We found outside in our back alley by the dumpster after we moved here:) Love it!

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