Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Trust me, you want my boys to be your friends.

My two boys just came home from school with the following tale to tell.

Our neighbors were walking with them and another boy (about 8 years old, they claim) came up to our neighbor and stole his backpack. Wouldn't give it back for anything and ran off with it. Our neighbor was crying, worried about what his parents would say if he didn't bring home his backpack. So my two boys came to the rescue. They literally jumped the backpack thief. Mr. T ran up behind him and jumped on his back and wouldn't let go (like a riding cowboy - he claims) while Little E came up in front and hit him with his own back pack over and over again until he gave the backpack back to our neighbor.

My first response was horror at their behavior.
But I didn't show it.
I'm not sure how to react to this, so for now I'm putting it on the back burner of my mind, asking for advice and wondering what to teach them in regards to standing up for friends...

1 comment:

Kendra said...

oh my. I don't know what I'd do either. Good for them for sticking up like that - so glad they didn't get hurt!

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