Sunday, January 23, 2011

Head Over Heels

I had to give a talk at church today. Oh help me. I hate giving talks. I was shaking hours beforehand, and I peed about every 2 minutes right up until I had to go sit up front. So much nervous energy. I think it went okay, and most importantly it's over. Mr. Man came up to me at the end of primary while I was standing in the doorway watching everything run itself, and rubbed his hand up and down my arm, and gave me a little squeeze. He told me how much he enjoyed my talk (this coming from a Man who LOVES giving talks and is one of the most amazing speakers you will ever hear). Not only that, but he gave me specific points and references to what he enjoyed. And the stress of the entire event suddenly seemed worth it. This amazing man noticed me and listened to me and loves me.

I can't tell you how much I adore this guy.

I just can't seem to get over him.

He is such a hard worker... at anything he does. Such a great dad and an even better husband.

He is constantly looking for ways to show me he loves me. And he does. He does love me and does show me.

Right before we moved here, a close friend gave me some special housewarming gifts, which I treasure. One was a bell. This friend had the sweetest quietest voice and when all of our children were off running in the field and forest behind our homes, she would call out in her quiet voice and her children would come running. I would have to scream and scream, and then still go after mine. And so I acquired a whistle. But dreamed of a bell - like a dinner bell. And she gave me a special bell when we moved, and it works wonders to summon my children from indoors or outdoors. Recently it broke. And I really wanted it to be fixed. Mr. Man has spent so much time and effort on getting it back to its original form. And this morning it was back on my window sill and rings beautifully. And now it holds even more meaning. (Look at me, all sentimental like a grandmother about my things!)

He can fix anything. He can build anything.

The other week he knocked down some walls and started making us a much needed mudroom. He sees needs and then he does everything in his power to meet those needs.
I fall for him again almost every day. This gorgeous, kind, funny man is such a blessing in my life. Not sure how he puts up with me. After years of training, I finally put the lid back on the toothpaste, but I still don't squeeze from the bottom. Sorry dear. I love you.
{picture taken by our three year old}


Anne Marie said...

So sweet! What a great man to have in your life. He's lucky to have you too. I detest giving talks in church...makes me feel sick for about a week before. I'm sure you did great.

Kendra said...

very sweet. super husbands are the best:) sorry about the bell - i'm so glad the mr. could fix it. I have a little birdie bell that i use now and i think of you every time i pick it up:)

Steve and Donna said...

what a special post and I especially like the picture taken by your 2 yr. old

Laura said...

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! You guys are my favorite couple. Hugs!

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