Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Terrible Twos Game Plan

Lately I’ve had the crabbiest toddler on the planet. Given the fact that he is usually quite mellow and a smiley little flirt, the change is even more drastic. He was sick, yes. He was unusually unhappy about our weekend houseguests, yes, but now they are gone and still the crabbies are not. He is being super clingy, cry-y, demanding and utterly unrealistic in his expectations – resulting in constant consecutive tantrums. Basically, I’m annoyed with him.

I decided I needed to come up with a game plan. I needed to fill his day, and my day, in such a way that would leave little time for tantrums and boredom. Making sure he was getting enough sleep and eating (try forcing either of these things on a toddler) was a main part of the “plan”. Outside time was a must (regardless of the cold and rain), and then the list of fun-filled activities began… mostly with “get out of the house.”

Mr. Man also reminded me of the water in the sink that all of our kids used to do… how could I have forgotten? The amount of time he can spend calmly relaxing in water with scoops and boats and spoons completely makes up for the flood I find myself stepping in. Music has been another winner. And I’ve found that if I’m sitting in a corner reading board books to myself, the odds are pretty good that after his initial tantrum and anger in my direction, he will come and sit on my lap for some reading before curling up for a nap.

This morning we went on what Mr. T called a “field trip” – mostly because it was an extended trip out of our house. The library is a bit of haven but mostly a hell for a toddler. I left him throwing his tantrum on the floor while I got all the books my daughter needed for a project. No need to worry about him running off, and I could hear exactly where he was. It was actually helpful. We were there early enough that it was only the librarians and one other mother with a perfectly behaved toddler who we were bothering. So as much as I was annoyed, I feigned disinterest and got done what needed to be done. Then I read to my other son while he continued his fit and after a while he got up to calmly go work on a puzzle. Fine then. We went for a LONG walk downtown and then made a surprise visit to see Mr. Man at school. I’m loving that five point harness system in my stroller more and more as he gets older!

A bit of play time at home with his brothers, a hearty lunch and then a drive to take Little E to preschool – where I let him run around for a bit and bounce on the trampoline, and thankfully he fell asleep on the way home and transferred into his bed just fine. Ironically, we also tired out the six year old and they are both snoozing while I get to blog and relax for a few mid-day moments! Wish me luck with my game plan. Otherwise I may end up popping happy pills by the end of the week ! (Into both of our mouths!)


Jenny said...

The hardest part is that you have to do the exact same thing tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the.....

Sounds like your plan will work wonders though. I'm surprised you're not taking a nap too!

Jenn said...

I seriously believe that there is a chemical switch that activates when they turn two. My mellow, happy Connor turned into a totally different child within a week of his birthday! I feel for you & am sad to admit that, on some days, I'm happy to go to work & not deal with 2 year old tantrums.

Kendra said...

we are moving out of the tantrum stage(if that ever really happens) but Isaac loves playing in the bathroom sink. Now I just leave a plastic basket full of their play dishes on the counter and he'll grab my dish scrubber and stand in there forever "washing dishes".... which results in a very happy mommy.

Shawny said...

Sinks and playing with water are a life saver! There must be something very soothing and calming about it. Both my kids love "doing dishes". I just wish that they were really washing, rinsing, drying, and putting away. Some day!

Dee Dee Bowman said...

What project does Julia have. Is it something you gave her?

Carla said...

Oh I totally empathize! My little E has been grouchy too. He's too much like me in that if we don't see the sun for any period of time, we go nuts. Yay for getting out of the house!

Brooke said...

Yes my dear! I hear ya!! I am still raising one of those (and I hope for you, it's just a phase!) Mine is still goin strong in the difficult department!!! and the sad thing is that no matter what I do, I don't think I can change him. I think it's mostly changing me to learning HOW to handle him with patience and reason! Good luck!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...