Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Big Talk

Tonight I dropped the bomb on my daughter. We’ve been “prepping” for the “big talk” for what feels like years now. I’ve been reading all sorts of material on the subject, and even have a notebook with ideas I wanted to make sure to use (Mr. Man was a bit confused when he found this notebook – asking, “Don’t you already know about this?”). So tonight we read a book together, talked a lot about what she already knew and then started in on the most awesome secret about how a person gets made. I loved a lot of what I read from the Eyres on their Values Parenting website (we are members and so get an even better look at their “big talk”). Over all it went really really well. But I could definitely tell when the reality of what sex is really hit her. At first she thought that the bigger and better hug that a husband and wife can do was when we hold each other really tight and rub our hands on each others backs. She was hoping for a demonstration of sex… until she realized what it was. Even when I explained it using all the terminology we have been learning, she was dumbfounded, “I just don’t get it.” Finally, when I was running out of ways to explain it, her eyes popped out of her head and she wiggled all over saying the thought of making love gave her the eebie geebies! It didn’t last long however… her next comment was, “so now are you going to tell me who the Easter Bunny is?” Let’s just say it was a night for big discoveries. Easter Bunny, Santa Clause, St. Nicholas and sex. She’s feeling rather grown up and it was a positive experience for my first time divulging truth! (I’m thinking I should start a notebook for the other subjects as well!) She can’t wait to tell her best friend that she knows… about Santa Clause, that is! (Her friend has “known” for years and it’s been sort of a rift between them… one that she is now embarrassed about!) When I tucked her in, she did her eebie geebie wiggle again, and then asked me if I was ever going to tell the boys about what I had told her. She said I better let Mr. Man talk to them, since it’s way too embarrassing for a girl to even think about! She makes me giggle! It was a great night together. I can’t post half of our discussion or her reactions and comments – but my journal boasts quite the entry tonight!


Dee Dee Bowman said...

Hopefully her and Taylor won't discuss the Santa issue, I want Jensyn to believe a little longer. And how did she jump from sex to Santa?

Camie said...

Oh my--don't tell me I'm due for this talk in two years! You know I'll be calling you then! Funny how it lead into Santa and every other topic!

Jedda said...

Is the age of innocence really so short? Quite literally, it makes me want to cry. Oh that childhood could last longer.

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...