Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Amidst my reservations, I have been recommending a new favourite book to everyone I meet. I am dying over the fact that I keep getting myself addicted to series (how do you pluralize series?) before their sequels are written. It's a curse really. The Twilight series nearly killed me when I read the first three while on bedrest and had to wait until my baby's first birthday for the finale. This time, my obsession will not be released until August... which in my mind is a whole lifetime away. I will have to wait until I have packed up, moved across the country, unpacked (because I can't rest until my house is a home) and then wandered over to the local library to get a library card (because we will be seriously totally poor until we get our first paycheck and then until we pay off our house 30 years later) and then most likely have to wait an eternity until my name comes up on the hold list or I make a friend with similar reading interests who owns the book and will allow me to borrow it. Not that I've been thinking about it or anything.

The book, my friends, is AMAZING... and like, Twilight, seems to do no good when I try to explain the details, (here's a good review if you must know)but you really MUST just go and read it. The title: "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. Aside from the fact that a bunch of children are trying to kill each other, it's a very "clean" book with zero language (that I can remember noticing), no sex scenes (sorry) and zero homosexuality (for those still wounded by my last book choice).

Here's the fun encouraging post that made me put the book on hold at the library. I admit when the email telling me it was ready arrived in my inbox just hours after I had placed the hold, I worried that the lack of demand might be saying something. But I was proved wrong. I suffered the entire Easter weekend knowing the exact location of the book (under my couch for any quick moments of reading) trying to be a good host and enjoy having family (and really I totally did)... but the day they left I ignored all and feasted on "the book".

Read it and then let me know what you think. And by the way, I also have a birthday in August... if anyone (yoo hoo Mr. Man, are you reading this) wants to simply BUY ME MY OWN COPY OF THE FIRST AND SECOND BOOKS OF THIS GREAT SERIES. You know how I love brand new books! (I know you're buying me a house and all... but maybe...pretty please?!)

Well goodnight all. I'm hungry and have sworn not to eat after dinner. And now midnight is growing nearer. Oh the pains.


Kristy said...

I really enjoyed it, too. After Jenn recommended it, I was really happy when Christopher brought it home from the library! I heard the sequel will be out in August ...

Jedda said...

That email just came to my inbox yesterday...I'll let you know. I'm going to be in trouble if I can't put it down since I'm reading 4 others goodies right now. If I get nothing done around here can I blame you? ;)

Anne Marie said...

I've heard good things about that book. I'm not sure if I should get it since I have no will power when it comes to reading a good book. Glad to hear you enjoyed it as well.

Amy said...

Sounds good but maybe I will wait until Aug to read it. I hate waiting for sequels.

Dee Dee Bowman said...

OK Renee, I've requested it from the library even though I'm reading 5 books at the moment.

Balancing & Blogging

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