Whhhaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: Don't take those rocks OUT of my mouth!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: I DON’T WANT TO SLEEP! EVER.
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: I DON’T WANT TO SLEEP! EVER.
Whaaaaa! Translation: I want that marshmallow!
Whaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: I want the whole bag of marshmallows now! Why won't you give them to me?
Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa! Translation: I want to hold your fingers and walk across gravel, sharp rocks and broken beer bottles!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: I don’t want to go in the front carrier on our hike. Let me crawl. Now.
WHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Translation: I don’t want to sleep in my bed in a tent. I want to go HOME!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: I don’t want to sleep in the van either. Let me out!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: Why is nobody listening to me?

Whaaaaa Whaaaaaa! Translation: I want to hold your fingers and walk across gravel, sharp rocks and broken beer bottles!
Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Translation: Why is nobody listening to me?
We are all happy to be home again. The three older kids napped for hours upon our return (check out their filthy feet!), while the ten month old unhappy camper couldn’t stop smiling and going around the house loving everything that symbolizes home to him.
I will blog about the moments of family fun and post more pictures when the time doesn't seem so insanely horrible to me anymore. One day....
You're a brave woman to even attempt it! That is such a hard age since they're mobile but not walking and like to eat everything. Hope you sleep well tonight in your own cozy home. Traveling/camping with kids 2 and under is truly a nightmare sometimes.
But he looks so innocent...
You ARE brave!!
I think that looks like so much fun but only when it's someone else's family. Someday you'll be so glad you created these memories.
I love camping but for all those reasons you very cleverly mentioned I cannot talk my significant other into camping with the children :)
Great post!!
Wow, I am feeling really stressed just reading about your camping experience! I can hear the screaming! We took Malachi when he was about 5 weeks, but he was still sleeping through everything!
Better luck next time, friend!
Bummer, we were looking forward to that camping trip with your family sometime this summer. Maybe next summer! :)
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