Monday, January 28, 2008

Blonde and Brilliant

Mr. Man and I differ in intelligence levels. I suppose you could say that the areas in which we are intelligent vary greatly. Mostly though, I think he is seriously one of the smartest people I know (not to mention super sexy), and I am usually quite astounded by his knowledge. “Go ask Daddy” is already my mantra, and, typically, he has all the answers. He hates when I say this, but he is after all pursuing a PhD, while I am (for now) a college dropout! So you have to comprehend the intense satisfaction that comes when the odd moment arrives when I know something that he doesn’t, or when I am actually truly “right”. It’s like the quote from National Treasure when Riley has that moment where he knows something the other two geniuses don’t and he revels and declares, “So this is how you must feel… but all the time”. Tonight, I had that exuberant moment.

For as long as I can remember I have known that if you want to make ice cubes faster, you put hot water in the freezer tray. For as long as I have been married, my husband has consistently and forcefully disagreed with this statement. I don’t know how many times we have filled separate ice cube trays with our preferred temperature water only to remember to check for the winner after both have been completely frozen. Tonight Mr. Man was helping the kids to create our weather graph. He decided to look up the exact “freezing” temperature and came across a very interesting article entitled Can hot water freeze faster than cold water?

All I saw was him with his head down in front of the computer, silently admitting, “You were right!”

I know. I’m brilliant. At least the moment was radiant!


Anonymous said...

In my defense, the article commences with "This phenomenon is extremely counter- intuitive, and surprising even to most scientists, but it is in fact real."

Hoosier Mama said...

my hub and I have had a 7 year disagreement about a non-important fact. We still have yet to deem someone "truly right!" I love your posts!

Marci said...

Haha, Andrew thinks the same thing as you. I have yet to claim he's right. Good for Mr. Man. ;)

Kendra said...

this is funny. my good friend and i just had a conversation about this exact type of thing. i'll argue with andy about something all the while i know that he knows that i know he's right...but sometimes i just want to be the smart one! i guess they deserve some credit. here, here for smart, sexy husbands...i've got one over here too:)

Kendra said...

gee... hear, hear that is, of course:)

Hope said...

YES!! Thanks for helping win an arguement that has lasted six years! I have been telling him for years that hot water freezes faster and he just won't believe me. Now I just have to get Kurt to read this. Although he still probably won't believe it.

Laurie said...

Cute post! And I love that he defended himself in your comments. You two are very funny!

KVB said...

Research says that only under certain circumstances does hot water freeze faster than cold water. Inconclusive is the word that I would use to describe the outcome of such experiment.

So, which boils faster, warm or cold water?

KVB said...

I just thought that I should give some indication of my sarcasm on that last comment. I forget that the sarcastic tone often does not shine through in type. Like, Hope mentioned, I have argued with her about this since I've known her, and she is right, I still don't accept it. What do those scientists know anyway?

Carla said...

yeah, i don't believe it either, but i TOTALLY can identify with you and Riley. i must bask in the moment when i actually know something Chad doesn't!

Sarah said...

Congrats Renee, but I have a suspicion that you are right more often than you know ;)

Anne Marie said...

I did not even know this! This is hilarious.

Net said...

My cousins told me this when I was young and I thought they were crazy, until I asked my Dad and he explained how it worked.
I am glad you had a smart moment. They come too few and far between for me!

singin'mama said...

Renee, for the record, I've always thought you were totally brilliant giving a good name to the blonde population!

Jodie said...

I am still skeptical, especially since it says it doesn't happen every time--only under certain circumstances. I still don't believe that turning my water hotter by a few degrees will make a difference and you're crazy if you think I'm going to boil my water just to freeze it. :) ha ha.

But I DO have to agree with the whole "Riley moment", I sure love it when that happens!

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...