Thursday, January 10, 2008

To Be or Not to Be

that is the question...
All of my children start off with these beautiful rich blue eyes, curtesy of Mr. Man, and then they slowly fade to my green. Green eyes are nice, no, but I'm wondering if at least this last time I can keep looking into another set of blue eyes for the rest of my life. Will they stay? What do you think?


Shawny said...

I'm gonna say, blue! They'll stay blue! You have to have at least one child with your hubby's eyes.

Camie said...

You can always have hope of getting a blue-eyed inlaw!! Maybe a Christensen??

Anne Marie said...

I'm guessing blue. either way, gorgeous.

Unknown said...

Fingers crossed for blue!

In any event he will always be a beautiful baby.

Laurie said...

Wow! They both have beautiful eyes!

libbie said...

Either way, they are both pretty! But if they are that blue, maybe they will stay that way!

Amy said...

It took me awhile to catch up on all of your posts. I found myself identifying with a lot of your experiences but there were so many that now I can't remember what my comments were going to be. I would love my hubby's blue eyes on one of my little kiddos- no luck though for me either. i'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Love all your pictures and that hot tub must have been really cool Do you swim yet?

Balancing & Blogging

I've come to the conclusion that balance in life is only attained when one limits the extent and experiences of ones life. Maybe not.  P...