My friend, Amy, tagged me. I hate these things, but I like Amy, so I did this for her.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. In my last year of high school
2. Writing a really cute missionary – who would someday ask me to marry him
3. Applying to university
4. Coaching soccer for four year olds
5.Co-ordinating our high school’s first 3 day (sleepover) leadership conference: SUPERNOVA (they are going on having the 10th one this year!!!)
(boy was I young ten years ago!)
5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Baby’s 4 month doctor’s visit and SHOTS
2. Little E’s speech therapy
3. Music class
4. Lunch date with Mr. Man
5. Skating lessons for three eldest
5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate lovers treat (also known as the PMS special) at Jiffy Treat
2. Black licorice
3. Grapefruit
4. Trail mix
5. Toast with homemade peach jam
5 things I would do If I were a Billionaire:
1. Buy a house, finally!
2. Build a library.
3. Have horses… and someone hired to take care of them.
4. Pay off student loans of everyone related to me.
5. Let my husband manage the rest – he’s good with money and tends to hide it in savings accounts I don’t know about and also give way too much to random charities who call on the phone.
5 bad habits:
1. Obsessive – with planning, packing, cleaning, too much stuff in my diaper bag (just in case), time management (always saying we’re late, because I want to be early)…
2. Hanging hangers the wrong way so that my husband can’t get them off easily.
3. Internally complaining. So if you think I complain a lot vocally, just imagine what’s going on in my head!
4. I find great joy in picking my baby’s boogers for him.
5. Eating too much chocolate.
(I asked my husband to help me with this. I tend to snap his head off when he attempts to point out my bad habits, so it was great trepidation that he finally helped me out and told me a bunch – most of which I refused to put down here because I don’t think they are “bad”… )
5 places that I have lived:
1. London, Ontario, Canada
2.Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
3. Laie, Oahu, Hawaii
4. Lenexa, Kansas
5. Lawrence, Kansas (notice they are ALL “L’s” until our present location!)
5 Jobs that I have Had:
1.Page at a library – I mostly shelved books, checked books in and did kids programs – like teaching origami!
2. Administrative Assistant at a College bookstore
3. Bilingual Marketing Researcher (I will now do ANY telephone survey that comes my way
4. Career Development Assistant at BYUH (I took Amy's job!)
5 thing that you may not know about me:
1. I yell at my kids.
2. I exaggerate constantly and justify it by using the term “like”.
3. I was born three weeks late. And have never been late since.
4. I had never seen Star Wars until I had sons – and an obsessive husband.
5. I’m left handed.
That is it for me! Now I tag have to tag 5 people and contact them on their blog - tomorrow!
So I tag Camie, Joy, Kristy, Jodie, Jenny
Friday, December 07, 2007
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Balancing & Blogging
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Very fun tag. You have definitely had a lot happen in your life in the past 10 years! I have a really hard time imagining you yelling at your kids. I am totally with you on the chocolate. I have asked Jared to get me chocolates for Christmas, but assured him that I can only handle a box of 4. I have no self-control with chocolate at all.
Firts off, I am grateful NOT to be tagged! Ha! But I also love that you complied and made the list! Very fun to read!
That was very fun to learn so much about you! I've been tagged, so ... I'll do my best!
I finally did the tag on my blog. I loved reading about you. I had no idea you lived in Lethbridge. Our town's baseball team (Billings Mustangs) always played Lethbridge.
I love reading these. You've lived a pretty interesting life so far! :)
I LOVE it!! thanks so much for shairng. I take comfort in knowing that you, an awesome mom, yells, too!!
I hate doing these myself but they sure are fun to read!!
I love how you didn't tag me since I haven't blogged in a month! I guess I'm not too reliable eh?
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