We've been going a little nuts with gingerbread houses over here. With fond memories of Lawrence playgroup, I offered to make graham cracker houses for our playgroup here. With some help from my brother and the playgroup co-ordinator, we made 20 houses!
(I had to quickly readjust my pattern when I discovered that the Kroger brand graham crackers are already cut into squares!)
Then Miss J (yes, she's asked not to be called "big", "it's just not polite") invited some friends over after school today to do some decorating! Six more houses.
Mr. T just kept eating and eating the candy, even after admitting that he had a stomacheache.
Daddy had to get in on the fun and we pulled out the gingerbread train kit Grandma donated to the candy infestation, and did that one too!
Highlights of the events include a very blistered thumb from a sugar burn, candy spilling all over the floor as the kids go scrambling to capture and, yes, eat their finds, and Little E being so serious about his decorating and then announcing, "This is my wish come true!"
I love seeing my little nephews over here on your blog. It always surprises me and makes me smile. That is a lot of decorating! You are so smart to make the houses ahead of time for the little ones. My kids love decorating gingerbread houses but they love eating them even more! Me too!
I'm so SAD to have missed this. You are a wonder woman and quite the construction manager!
I am still trying to nurse the burns. It was a great idea and a lot of fun! Your train made me smile.
Brave woman! Having just made 4 graham cracker houses over the weekend, I can't imagine doing 26! It looks like they turned out great. Very fun.
Thanks for all your hard work on those houses. The kids had a great time and I enjoyed a couple handfuls of candy as well.
P.S. The picture with Adam is him saying "Sorry, I didn't mean to spill the candy all over the floor. It was an accident." And I am sure his next thought was "But now it is down here, we can get started eating already." I am glad we could make a dozen kids happy! :)
oh that wish come true comment is so cute! and GO, RENEE! way to carry on the great lawrence tradition!
It's so cool to imagine how moments like these will be some of your kids' cherished memories.
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