Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Why do my boys think it's funny to put weapons in the baby's unearthly grasping hands?

Why is he so happy about it?

I don't think I stand a chance in this battle.


Kristy said...

That is adorable. Sorry!

Rachel said...

Thanks for the heads up on the Chapstick! I can smell it through the computer! And aren't you grateful for creative kids who can creat their own fun? Even if it's putting a sword in the babies hands - you've got to admit, he looks pretty rad with a dagger. And my oh my, what juicy cheeks he has!

Amy said...

You really do play swords all day! He is a natural! I told kai that you thought I was a telemarketer. After your warm greeting, I never will be! Lotsa love!

Anne Marie said...

Hilarious! He looks so cute. I can completely relate to this.

Dana and ohana said...

I swear they come programed to love all that battle stuff. Ansen can make ANYTHING a weapon. Boys...

Laurie said...

I love it! It's crazy how fast the little boys learn from thier older brothers!!! Henry is suddenly obsessed with anything electronic. He's only 10 months but he perfers to play with the remote or the phone or the camera or last night it was a calculator. I don't get it. Boys are just born to be boys!!! Very cute pictures!!

Rachel said...

My post today (Dec. 21) is for YOU, Renee!

Shauna said...

LOL! You have some super cute kids. :)

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